May 1st Hatch ***HATCHING!!!***

Count me in!!
I filled up my incubator last night with eggs that I won from auctions on BYC
for a hatch date of April 30/May1st. I have 2 dozen Delaware eggs and also some Favorelles and some Wheaten/Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas. I also added some eggs that I collected from my own hens. I am going to spend this weekend trying to make a decent candler. The little mag flashlight that I bought just isn't shining bright enough.
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Woo Hoo!!! Another hatching buddy!

I plan on using one of our cheapo LED flashlights. They seem extremely bright, and of course, they don't get hot.

I got two more eggs from my chickens yesterday afternoon and tossed them in as well. As I was doing that I checked the temp, and it had gone up to 104°F!
So I adjusted it back down. I'm beginning to wonder if its my digital thermometer, or the thermostat in the incubator. The temp seems to vary a little more than I'd expect it to. I expected it to drop a little at night because its in my unheated shed. Hopefully things will be fine.
So many things can happen in 24 hours...

I disabled the turner yesterday morning and put the incubator on lockdown. I also noticed that morning that my favorite roo was acting funny. I was worried about him, but had to go to town, so I hoped he would be fine. By the time I came home, my favorite roo passed away.

On top of that I checked my incubator last night and the temp read 105°!!!

Things weren't looking good at all. I tweaked the temp and crossed my fingers.

Then I went out to check the incubator this morning and I already had 3 pips!!! I heard cheeping too, so I am really excited!

...I'm hoping this roller coaster of emotions is over soon.
How exciting!! We are day 19 today. But ours are under a broody so pretty stress free. She is a big fluff butt so we are hoping all 17 eggs hatch. Lots of fluffy chicks. Good luck! I'll be watching for updates.
Hi- I didn't see this thread-not sure how I missed it. Anyway, I set eggs on the 7th and 8th. Out of forty, I locked down 28. Since Monday night, I had a hard time keeping the temp up. The darn thing seemed to be stuck on 97.7, this morning it was 98.2. The little cheapo glass thermometer said 99 so I'm thinking it is close enough.

Yesterday I saw egg #22 rocking around a bit and got all eggcited. This morning I was sitting there playing on the computer this morning having my coffee when I heard a peep! I rushed to look in the bator and had 2 pips! and heard more peeps. I can't wait to get home from work this afternoon.
Not sure how I missed this one either...anyhoo. I have 12 mixed barnyard in the bator due May 2.
This is my very first attempt, and the more I read
the more nervous I get.
I cannot get my humidity to come up for nuttin...
I cant wait to see these little guys!!
First one is out!!!

I came home from picking my daughter up from preschool and we went right away to check the eggs. One had already zipped and was moving around a lot. We watched it for about 10 minutes and it finally came out around 11:50am. I'm pretty sure it's the first time she's seen an egg hatch. She was excited and wanted to know if that one was "hers"... lol Its a cute little silver/black chick btw.

...and yes... I'll have to take pix for everyone.
How exciting. Ours are under a broody so we don't get to watch them hatch. My 5 year old son is very dissappointed but last year he got to help me foal out a mini mare which he thought was really cool. lol. What great experiences for them!!

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