Luna can't come to church.

Coops Dad

Free Ranging
May 10, 2020
too close to Waco, TX
Poor lonely Luna aka Murder Dog. she saw me putting on boots and thought we were going out dancing or something.

I told her, no; no dogs allowed at church.

She didn't believe me.


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What a beautiful dog!!
She's a very good dog, definitely in my all-time top 3. Maybe inching into #2. My wife felt sorry for her because she was a smoking mess and had been abandoned at the shelter, adopted and returned five times before she was eventually put on "red/next on euthanasia" status. It took six months of consistency and training before she blossomed into this amazing creature. She obeys my wife and son but she is bonded to me; I only have to think something and she's keyed into it like it was a spoken command. Being part Siberian Husky, she hates her paws being touched and won't tolerate anyone to shave her pads or clip her nails. No one but me, that is. She trusts me. It's absolutely amazing and I can't begin to fathom how I deserve it.

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