
In the Brooder
Jul 12, 2018
Hello all!

I have recently decided to build my backyard chicken run! Woohoo! While this is a super exciting time, it's also really stressful because I want to do everything right to ensure that I have a happy and healthy flock. Here's my sitch:
I live in Minnesota- which means winters reach 30 below, and summers reach 95 with 70% humidity. I'm looking for hardy birds that can withstand the cold winter nights, are timid and friendly, and good egg layers. I have a 4x4 A-Frame coop with 2 nesting boxes and A 40 sq. ft. run.

I'm planning to get 3 hens to start off with. I want to get 3 chicks, and my local farm just had a new batch. I want to get a Rhode Island Red, a Sapphire Gem, and a Light Brahma. I'm positive I want the Brahma, as they're notorious for their kind natures. My local farm also hatched Black Austrolorps, Plymouth Barred Rocks, Black Austrolorps, and Golden Laced Wyandottes. What would be my best bet If I aim to get around 12 eggs a week?

Would these 3 breeds get along?
Whoops just realized I said barred plymouth rock in the title. that'd be a sapphire gem instead!
I'm not familiar with a sapphire gem, but all the others would get along well. Most chickens that are raised from chicks and are similar in size get along. I personally don't like Brahmas because the feathers on their feet can cause foot problems. However, they are nice birds. Of those you mentioned, Barred Rocks have a nice disposition. Three might give you a dozen eggs, four would for sure. (When they are laying that is.)

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