Laying Hens and chicks for sale! Arkansas, UPDATED, broody orp.

spook your right I hadn't thought about that, I wonder how long a person should be concerned about it . And how would you know with out a test?
Haviris were did your birds come from? I wonder what would be the best thing to do? How long would we need to wait. I would like to get them. And I'm sure your birds are okay.
All of your girls are very pretty. Could you hang on to them
for a while and see whats going to happen with this Avian Flu thing.

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Sorry I tend to be so late getting back, I work nights so don't get up til later and today my sister was on my computer and I had to wait for her to get finished.

Most of these came from hatcheries, two of the EE's came from Cackle, the other adult's came from McMurray, and the two andalusians came from Ideal.

The bantams were all gotten as babies from breeders.

And I hatched all the babies, the mixed ones came from my birds, and the mystery chicks came from an ebay seller.

All have been here since they were babies except two of the roosters.

I'm only selling because we are getting abit crowded so I desided to majorly down size until I can afford some more pens.

If you think you still want them I don't mind holding onto them alittle longer while we figure out a way to get them to you! I don't go to Ft. Smith much right now because of the gas prices, but if I'm going that way for some other reason I don't mind taking a detour. I am going by the vet in Greenwood on the 18th and could come alittle further!
The black astralorp, silver laced wyandotte, and the two andalusian pullets have all been sold.

The buff orpington has desided to go broody, I ran her off the nest a few times, but desided to leave her alone for now in case someone is looking for a broody hen.
I'm in Waldron, all I have left is the buff orp hen and some bantam chicks (5). The orp hen is sitting on some eggs, and we have 3 bantam hens that are also sitting.
thanks, do u ever come this way, we have family in Poteau, OK and Van Buren. We sometimes come that way, I will try to stay in contact with you, and maybe next time i come that way i check to see what u got.
I don't go that way very often, I actually mostly go in the other direction, but check with me if you come this way! And if I do go your way I will let you know!

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