Late blooming boy or fast developing girl?

This one's tricky. The red came very early, but the wattles are almost non-existant, and the face is so girly. My gut is telling me girl.
I hope. I'd love another girl. Maybe she'll start laying next week or something 😆
It was male for sure until week 6, but then comb/wattle development started to slow way down. Idk.
Oh, in this pic which I posted on the last page, the bird in question is right in front of the black one, but behind Ivy. That was right after everyone's photo session so comb/wattles are still a bit flushed.

But in this pic she/he looks SO girly. To me anyway. This was right before bed (hence the flash, lol) so everyone is calm.
I hope. I'd love another girl. Maybe she'll start laying next week or something 😆
It was male for sure until week 6, but then comb/wattle development started to slow way down. Idk.
Hmmm they did have pretty intense red for that young age but I agree after that they haven’t really progressed? I will tell you one thing for sure if @TheOddOneOut doesn't know then I definitely don’t😭
Hmmm they did have pretty intense red for that young age but I agree after that they haven’t really progressed? I will tell you one thing for sure if @TheOddOneOut doesn't know then I definitely don’t😭
Yeah. I have no clue. I'll update every week too.
Haha, yes, she's very good at gender guesses.
Ok. Thanks!!! I'll be watching like a hawk. 😆

Which I actually had a scary run in with today. Thankfully everyone's fine. 😓
Haven’t had a predator scare yet and hope not too in the future. Did it just observe your flock or was it a little more ya know “interactive” than that?
Haven’t had a predator scare yet and hope not too in the future. Did it just observe your flock or was it a little more ya know “interactive” than that?
Well, my father saw it. He said it was sitting on the ground under a bush watching the chicks. Probably would have attacked if he hadn't come and told me to put them up. With the 3 roos and their mom nearby I thought they'd be safe, and I check on them every 15 minutes when they're out. It was a young Cooper's hawk though, looking for an easy meal I'm sure. He was just looking for an opening, but thankfully didn't get it.
Unfortunately I've had more predator incidents than I'd like. I live in an extremely small "town" so all native predators are used to farmers and such. Hawks aren't wary, and coyotes come right up into the yard at night, I can hear them yipping in the street late at night. And my careless next door neighbor "owns" an evil free-range dog that has killed numerous chickens and destroyed a prefab coop (and everything inside 😢) and the wire on my grow-out tractor. Plus 1 bird while they were free ranging and my pheasant. Then another dog came into our yard and took 1 of my hens. So unless my birds have full supervision I really can't let them free range. Even though they never leave their own yard. Predators (and some people) frustrate me.

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