Last minute coop decisions


Oct 30, 2023
Central MA
Hi all, we are in the midst of building our coop and just started raising our chicks. Coop and run is slated to be finished in early May.

I’m trying to decide on a pop door. I am not huge on technology and usually prefer old fashioned designs and such but it’s been recommended to get an automatic pop door.

Thoughts? Is it really that hard to step outside in the morning and evening to open and close?

I stay at home with our kids and am usually home in the evenings, barring Mondays from 5-6 pm but I assume I could put the girls away after I come home around 6:15?

Is it really that much more convenient? I’d love to hear pros and cons!

Is it really that hard to step outside in the morning and evening to open and close?
No. No it's not.

I keep my entire setup inside a pen enclosed with electrified poultry netting so I just do lock up and head count when it's full dark or later. I've also forgotten to lock them up on 6 separate occasions in the last 5 years and was surprised when I went out to feed them and they all met me at the gate. I sleep much better with them behind the netting.

The pros of a manual door is that you are more in tune to the flock and their needs.

The cons of an automatic door is false security. They fail and you think they are locked up when they are not. They have also been know to kill chickens that get caught in them when closing.
I use an auto door. It doesn't replace due diligence but it does add convenience if you ever can't be around at "bedtime." Do the kids ever have school or sport or friend things where you might not be at home at dusk? What if you have the flu, who would be the one opening and shutting the door?

My schedule doesn't align with the chickens. We wake up late, we like eating out (late) on weekends, once in 7 years we take a vacation (ha). We still go out to the coop and run in the morning and afternoon to clean up, feed, pick up eggs, (and have a coop cam for night time check to make sure everyone's in) - but with the auto door the chickens can stick to their schedule, I can stick to mine.

I've had the human door freeze on the coop (so I can't get in) but the auto door still activates, so the chickens can get out at least, even if I can't get in.
I have a secure run so they don’t need any intervention to get up in the morning. I also have a range area enclosed by electric fence. Most days after I have had my breakfast I go and manually open the door from the run and take a few minutes to sit in the fenced area and have a chat with my ladies.
I’m trying to decide on a pop door. I am not huge on technology and usually prefer old fashioned designs and such but it’s been recommended to get an automatic pop door.

Thoughts? Is it really that hard to step outside in the morning and evening to open and close?

I stay at home with our kids and am usually home in the evenings, barring Mondays from 5-6 pm but I assume I could put the girls away after I come home around 6:15?

Is it really that much more convenient? I’d love to hear pros and cons!
I know myself well enough that I wouldn't be able to go to bed without checking that the automatic door had done its job. I also like "having" to get up to take care of the chickens; otherwise I could stay in bed until 10-11 and lose half of my day.

No auto door for me.
The pros of a manual door is that you are more in tune to the flock and their needs.

The cons of an automatic door is false security. They fail and you think they are locked up when they are not. They have also been know to kill chickens that get caught in them when closing.
Yes, and yes.

My neighbor has had an auto door for about a year now. When we walk the dog, we can tell if the chickens are out in the run. There have been at least 4 times that they have not been out and it's full daylight.

Last summer, a raccoon got into the coop, and I'm guessing it was because the door had not closed. Fortunately! he just ate all the eggs, and none of the chickens.
No auto door for me because like you, I'm at home, I work from home. If I'm a little late in the morning, oh well they got some coop time together, my coop is big. And in the evening I need to put food away in galvanized garbage cans so an auto door isn't going to relieve me from going out. I'm not opposed to auto doors, but I'm opposed to leaving food out all night (I will not tolerate rats.)
I don’t have an auto door because I don’t have a regular coop. Even if I did, though, I still wouldn’t get one because I like going out at night and putting them all to bed. And then I know for sure everyone is inside safely, and the door is locked properly, and no one tipped over their food and water.
Thoughts? Is it really that hard to step outside in the morning and evening to open and close?


Is it really that much more convenient? I’d love to hear pros and cons!
To me it is an individual thing. It depends on your lifestyle and work or school schedule. And your personality. Some people will like the automatic doors because they are technology they can play with. Some may not be able to open or close doors because of schedule. Some just don't want to get out of bed or leave the house in the morning or at night when it is time to lock them up. If your chickens are in a predator proof run you may not need to lock them up at night to start with. Some people may not trust the auto doors to close or open unless they see it, in person or with a camera.

Personally mine have enough room in the coop that I can wait until fairly late to let them out in the morning if I wish. And I like to be down there to lock them up. I've found a possum and a couple of dead chickens when I go down there to lock up and a few snakes in the coop when I let them out. I like to check up on them. And I take care of food and water or collect eggs then.
To me it is an individual thing. It depends on your lifestyle and work or school schedule. And your personality. Some people will like the automatic doors because they are technology they can play with. Some may not be able to open or close doors because of schedule. Some just don't want to get out of bed or leave the house in the morning or at night when it is time to lock them up. If your chickens are in a predator proof run you may not need to lock them up at night to start with. Some people may not trust the auto doors to close or open unless they see it, in person or with a camera.

Personally mine have enough room in the coop that I can wait until fairly late to let them out in the morning if I wish. And I like to be down there to lock them up. I've found a possum and a couple of dead chickens when I go down there to lock up and a few snakes in the coop when I let them out. I like to check up on them. And I take care of food and water or collect eggs then.
I think that’s why, I am home 24/7, my job is managing and running my home. My children are homeschooled, I am up early and can go out when it is dark to close it up.

I also detest technology. Lol

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