Just in time for Christmas. I have 11 lab puppies born 11/09/08.

I have a litter of Siberian Huskies now that are 7 weeks old and I have to agree that they are ready to go to thier new homes. The mama is a good mama and always checks on them but she jumps on couch or anything higher to get away from them. I know in NH, they put an ad right in the Union Leader that says it is illegal to sell them or give them away any earlier than 8 wks old and I go by that even though I am in Maine but that doesn't mean we have to agree with it. I think the mama dog knows best.
In the veterinary behavior community, it is generally agreed that 7 weeks is the ideal age for puppies to go to new homes. They have been weaned and have also had time to play with each other, socialize with each other (and therefore have practice for interactions with other dogs in the future) and begin to develop bite inhibition learned from mom and each other.
First vaccines can be given between 6-8 weeks of age, but the younger you do it the more likely the vaccine will be neutralized by maternal antibodies and therefore ineffective.
If the puppies are still taking too much out of the Mother at six weeks then separate them. 6 weeks is too young to be away from the littermates--has little to do with the mother after that.

Im not attempting to be a "know it all", however you cannot ship a pup under 8 weeks of age, so I hope your buyers are local or willing to drive.

Cant wait to see pics
This is Texas we just dont have laws like that. This is farming area. I bought my daughter a very small puppy last weekend thinking it was 6 weeks old. When I looked at the papers I figured out she was only 5 1/2 weeks. I was upset about it at first but knew she would be taken care of with us and there wasnt anything else I could do about it anyway. She is 6 weeks old today and we have had her 4 days. She is fine. There is nothing wrong with selling puppies at 6 weeks. If I hold them until Christmas they will be over 6 1/2 weeks old anyway.

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