January to February 2024 Duckling Hatch-Along!

Or muscovies. Or these
That’s the “limited” flight that I meant 😂
Like my fat butt chickens trying to fly? If they run fast enough they can get about an inch off the ground. Should have named them Wilbur and Orville…
I actually had a Khaki / Rouen mix that made some huge distance off the ground, however it was an extremely windy day. Maybe I can find a video of it.
That’s the “limited” flight that I meant 😂

I actually had a Khaki / Rouen mix that made some huge distance off the ground, however it was an extremely windy day. Maybe I can find a video of it.
Like the tail wind they recorded a week or 2 ago? They clocked 3 separate transatlantic flights at over 800 MPH, that’s supersonic! One arrived in London over an hour early 😳

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