ISA brown chick - roo or hen?? - NEW PICS!

yep... those hybrid layers, the roos are meant to hatch with white down.

Wow- that's crazy! What are the odds of getting a red roo? I've never heard of it happening. I'd wait a little longer too.
updated pix! Chicks are 6 wks old.

this is the hen:

this is the 'suspects' head:

this is the 'suspects' feathers... I tried to get pix of where any saddle feather would be growing (as suggested by SloCrevs).. this chick is only just starting to feather out back there.. had been pecked a bit before I got it....



any futher opinions would be appreciated!!!
If they are two pullets like they should be I wonder how big that comb will get seeing that its that big already?!?!? I have only had roos from the BSL and only girls form the GSL so I don't know how the roos look first hand.

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