Is this bumblefoot?


May 18, 2022
I attached a clear picture and another picture with the areas I’m concerned about. I was told that it was bumblefoot but I don’t know if it’s for sure and don’t want to start picking at his foot if not needed but I also don’t want to not do enough. I’ve done the epsom salt baths, cleaning with hydrogen peroxide, spraying with manna pro wound spray, applying a gauze with antibiotic ointment, bandaging and taping. I left it unwrapped today because he’s able to peel the bandage off but plan on putting it back on tomorrow. Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!


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I'd say yes but you've caught it early before it's developed into a button scab with a core. I personally don't like using hydrogen peroxide. It does kill germs but it also can damage healthy tissue and in the long run slow the healing process.
I'd say yes but you've caught it early before it's developed into a button scab with a core. I personally don't like using hydrogen peroxide. It does kill germs but it also can damage healthy tissue and in the long run slow the healing process.
Thank you!
Should I continue the process I mentioned above, minus the hydrogen peroxide, everyday?
I don’t think you should peel it. It looks very mild. There is a chance oral antibiotics would help tremendously.
Thank you!
I’m glad you agree, I really didn’t want to worsen it by peeling it. I’m going to continue with the above process daily.
Which oral antibiotics would you recommend? And how should I go about giving it to him? He currently shares a waterer with my hen. Thank you.
Yes and you could get some drawing salve too, I'd think that would work very well for this situation.
Would you suggest Hyland’s Prid or icthammol ointment? Also, is there an active ingredient in either that I should be aware of? Kind of like avoiding neosporin with pain relief.
anything with ...cain pain relief ingredients is no good for chickens but the prid or icthammol yes that should work fine. I know someone mentioned one the other day in another post but I can't find the name now. might have been prid.
anything with ...cain pain relief ingredients is no good for chickens but the prid or icthammol yes that should work fine. I know someone mentioned one the other day in another post but I can't find the name now. might have been prid.
Great, thank you! I’ll pick some up at a local CVS or Walgreens. One last question, and I do really appreciate your help!
Should I substitute the triple antibiotic ointment for the Hyland’s Prid or icthammol?
So I would do a epsom salt bath, wipe it clean without hydrogen peroxide, spray some wound spray, put the Prid or icthammol on the gauze, bandage and wrap?
Soak, wound spray, could use both the antibiotic and the drawing salve, then bandage and wrap. When I treated my last case of bumble I did it every 3 days until healed unless the bandages got really dirty and/or wet. After it's healed the foot often loses it's toughness and you can get a re-occurance so stick on mole pad cut to the right shape can help till it toughens up.
Great job on catching it early.
Also the other treatment some people have found success with is Tricide Neo but from what I understand it works better on ones that are open. I've never used that myself though.
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