Is Tess a Rooster...?


In the Brooder
12 Years
Jun 8, 2007
NW Florida Gulf Coast
Thank you guys for id-ing my "Silver Spangled Hamburg" freebie from MM. (In the What is this breed forum).

We have 13 chicks...all hens. We are not sure about the free chick which is the Hamburg. SHE is adorable. SHE is already getting the black dots on HER tail feathers. SHE is the smallest of our group but I heard that this is a small-ish breed. I was worried because her comb looks SOOOOO different from all our other chicks (RIR, White Rocks, Black Astraulorps, Barred Rocks, Delawares, and 2 Americaunas.)

I did a little research and found SHE has a Rose Comb...not a Single of course she would look different.

I am stressing the SHE because we love her but are so afraid she may be a he. Her name is Tess and we are afraid we are going to have to call her Tess-ticle...LOL!!

Can you tell if our Tess needs to be renamed and relocated?

She is 4 weeks old:


editing to add a side shot:


Editing to add: As I am looking around...and reading the sticky above about posting correctly...this post may be more appropriate in the "Raising Baby Chicks" subject. Can someone move it if needed?
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For a pea comb that looks a bit rooish... My female wyandotte's comb is about that size... but she's about 4 months old. I would wait it out a bit longer. Give it one month, you'll know by then.
Thanks for the replies...keep 'em coming!!

silkiechicken...she does have a Rose comb not a pea comb...does that make a difference? A Wyandotte has a rose comb too? Hopefully this is 3 out of 3 that she could be a hen?
Haha, I always get thoes two mixed up. My hen has that same comb shape though. I was just worried about that rosyness in the middle of the comb... especially since it's only like 5 weeks old. At that age all my pullets of all breeds still had pale yellow combs.
She is only 4 weeks old!!! Uh-Oh...

I will look tomorrow to make sure that the color posted above is accurate. I think it is pretty close though.

I hope not.
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I have two wyondottes that are supposed to be hens. I do think they are, but they are both looking different in the comb area. I was getting worried that one was a roo, but i think they are just maturing differently.
I hope i am right. I might try in the morning to get pics for some second opinions......but at least you will have some others to look at and confuse yourself even more

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