Is Pond Water Okay For Them?


7 Years
Apr 23, 2012
Cape Cod, Massachusetts
Hi there,

I was free-ranging my chickens, and when I had finished cleaning the waterer, I caught them drinking out of the fish pond. It is a 14 gallon pond with 1 goldfish in it, and the water is very mucky. I use Goldfish Aquarium Cleaner and Goldfish Protect in the pond... They all got one or two beakfulls of it that I saw. Will this hurt them? I have that area fenced off now. Thanks :)
Short answer (I could probably type of a long extensive post, but we'll stick with the short). I wouldn't worry about it

God bless,
MIne prefer the nastier water where the ducks swim, or the puddles. I don't think your additives would hurt anything.
Mine are constantly drinking out of nasty water instead of their waterer. In fact, I have a feeling I'll be filling waterers in vain all winter long as we have a seasonal creek in the backyard that I'm sure they'll prefer!

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