Is it okay to keep a single turkey?


Lost somewhere in a book
10 Years
May 19, 2009
The cabin beside the lake
My neighbors bought a single Tom turkey as a pet. They don't have any other birds nor do they appear to have any plans for them. They keep him in a small run with food, water and a little plastic dog house. I've never actually owned a turkey (just chickens and ducks here) but I've always assumed that most poultry are happiest in flocks or pairs. He has escaped several times and has made friends with one of my roosters from through our fence. He's such a pretty guy, but keeping him all alone and secluded just seems mean. Are turkeys different than chickens in being social animals?
No they are very social and are very friendly. Are they raising teh bird for meat? If so maybe they don't want to get attached to it.
you cant have turkeys and chickens together can you? i would like to get some fancy turkeys a pair or two.. but I dont want anything o hurt my girls..
I don't talk to them much if I can help it but I don't think it is for meat. From what I understand the husband always wanted a pet turkey and they saw some for sale locally and bought one on impulse. They actually asked me if they could borrow some chicken feed the weekend they bought it because they didn't have any an the feed store was closed. I thought about casually suggesting they get another to keep it company but since I know nothing about turkeys I thought I'd get an expert opinion.
I have a single turkey hen that was raised with a lot of other turkeys, but when those went in the freezer, she became extremely lonely. Now she is a little better, but she loves humans so much that if I were able to be with her every moment she would never be lonely! I don't recommend keeping only one turkey though, because they are very social creatures.
Yes you can keep them together, they will be fine. The thing to watch is turkeys are suseptable to blackhead disease and some other things that chickens can carry and never have an issue. Don't be scared just be on the lookout for odd behavior and read up on turkeys before you get them. They are great pets.
I have a single turkey and he's fine - I got him when the home he was at had 5 other males and they were all fighting, so I think he prefers it - he is in with the chickens and acts as a protector. Loves people.
Yes you can keep them together, they will be fine. The thing to watch is turkeys are suseptable to blackhead disease and some other things that chickens can carry and never have an issue. Don't be scared just be on the lookout for odd behavior and read up on turkeys before you get them. They are great pets.

The other thing to watch for is breeding season. If a tom turkey tries to mate with a chicken hen, that goes very badly for the chicken. I lost a few hens before I figured out what was killing them.
Thats just sad! Turkeys are social animals and even if they got another kind of bird or something as a friend it would be so much better for that poor thing. One of my younger turkeys like to hang around with and take afternoon naps with our pig! And a dog house, oh come on....they perch!
<sigh> It really bothers me when people purchase an animal before they do their homework!

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