Introducing ducks to pond


In the Brooder
May 10, 2018
Western NY
hey everyone,

So I’m new to raising ducks, they are about 3 months old currently. I want to have them feast on all that wonderful duckweed on my pond however it’s a good 500 ft or more from there coop. Has anyone had good luck with letting there ducks “free range” then coming back to there coop at night even tho it’s so far away? I havnt had any real problems with predators so far but you never know! Not sure if I should just build them a coop near the pond just in case? I’d love to hear your thoughts and ideas! Thanks!
Once you let your ducks go to your pond most likely you'll find out what preds you have. on the ground and under water. Snapping turtles are big predators of water fowl. If they are skiddish best way to get them home would be keeping feed at home and herding them in of an afternoon, that is if you can get them out of the pond once you get them in it.

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