Interrupted Incubation for Goose -- how long can eggs remain viable?


Near where I work, we have a mother goose sitting on her eggs in front of a storage company. I try to provide food for her every day on my lunch break. It has been more than a month and her eggs have not hatched. I am beginning to think that the eggs are not viable. When I asked the girl at the front desk, she sadly told me that the other day, the own came in; chased the mother goose away and took the eggs and shook them with the intent to kill the chicks inside. This confirms my suspicion that the the eggs are no longer viable. I have two questions:

1. How can we help the mother goose to end this suffering for her. She looks very sad and worried. She seems to be very worn out.

2. How can I report this act of cruelty. I know there is a law in Canada that we are not to kill or capture wild life.

I live in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Thanks.. Tam,
This makes me so angry. How would he like it if a bigger, stronger man came along and wrung his neck? "I'm going to shake the life out of you because I find your existence annoying."

I hope the authorities punish this man with some jail time, and impose mandatory sensitivity training classes. What a jerk!

Here's mother goose.. still sitting.. Apparently she is also a single mom. Her mate may have abandoned her. She is all alone.

I am disturbed as well with this act of cruelty. I did contact wifelife protection organization in my area. Unfortunately, they can't really help me as I was not the one who witnessed the act. The girl in the front desk is afraid to testify as this was her boss that did this and she was the only one that saw it. My hands are tied. I hope the mother goose is smart enough to abandon her nest after a certain time. Any suggestions how we can help her realize that there is no use on sitting on those eggs?.

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Here's mother goose.. still sitting.. Apparently she is also a single mom. Her mate may have abandoned her. She is all alone.

I am disturbed as well with this act of cruelty. I did contact wifelife protection organization in my area. Unfortunately, they can't really help me as I was not the one who witnessed the act. The girl in the front desk is afraid to testify as this was her boss that did this and she was the only one that saw it. My hands are tied. I hope the mother goose is smart enough to abandon her nest after a certain time. Any suggestions how we can help her realize that there is no use on sitting on those eggs?.

The only way she'll leave is when they rot and blow up or they are removed. Her mate may have been killed they usually don't abandon their mates while they are sitting they are there to protect her. We have a pair that nest on an island in the river below out home and the gander is always pretty close by, always ready to help mama once golsings hatch it's a joy to watch.

Such a shame I think I would tell this man that you know what he did you can say someone passed by and saw him so you don't get the employee in trouble. maybe at least he won't try to injure her. She is so beautiful.

I remember about 3 yrs ago someone from Canada asking for help because right outside a bowling ally there was a dead Canada goose and it's mate wouldn't leave it's side even though it was dead. Broke my heart but that is how devoted they are to each other.
I have a Goose who got off her eggs because of rain. She's been sitting them for about 15 days. She got up due to rain storms and stayed off her eggs during the storm. She has been off her eggs for about 18 hours before deciding to sit on them again. Now she is again nesting. Are they dead now or is there some chance of survival for them? The rain was cold and so were the eggs when I checked them while she was away from them.
I have a Goose who got off her eggs because of rain. She's been sitting them for about 15 days. She got up due to rain storms and stayed off her eggs during the storm. She has been off her eggs for about 18 hours before deciding to sit on them again. Now she is again nesting. Are they dead now or is there some chance of survival for them? The rain was cold and so were the eggs when I checked them while she was away from them.
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Only way to know is to candle them. It doesn't sound good but I'd dif candle before tossing them. Why is she sitting out in the open on eggs? that is just asking for trouble, preds and just what happened with her now.
Thank you. She's not out in the open with them. We live beside 7 acres of empty field, grass is grown up and she is in there, but close enough to the edge I can see her. We just had some bad rain come in for the past few days, I know she took a beating from it and got stressed yesterday and left. She stayed in the yard with her mate until it stopped, not to help matters any, my husband Locked them in their pen last night thinking she was done nesting. He wants to just take the eggs away but I have convinced him to just leave her and the eggs alone for now.
Hi All

Thanks for your inputs. Someone took the eggs away and the goose was in distraught for a few days hanging around the destroyed nest. She has now moved on and abandoned the nest. It is sad but it was for the best I guess.

Hi All

Thanks for your inputs. Someone took the eggs away and the goose was in distraught for a few days hanging around the destroyed nest. She has now moved on and abandoned the nest. It is sad but it was for the best I guess.

Sounds like it was for the best. just happy she is okay. Thanks for sharing.

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