Interior Coop Pics

Yeah.... Hubby calls it chicken porn.
Love all these posts. I've got the outside of my coop done. It just needs a roof, doors, and roosts. Then I'll post it. I agree - so many pretty photos of the outsides but it's the guts that matter.
Zonoma - I laughed out loud. Thank you.
Would shavings over Winter and sand through the Summer be a good idea?

I'm in the same case: looking for internal ideas. I bought the biggest, cheapest imported coop I could find, so that I would be able to throw more cash at getting the inside done right first time. I'm getting lots of ideas. I was going to insulate then ply the inside. Someone here has got plastic cladding-type stuff, which seems to make sense as it would save buying paint!
How do you keep the sand clean?

I have a child's leaf rake and a child's snow shovel- perfect for 'sweeping' out the poop into the 'dust pan' and then into the compost it goes. I *usually* do this every other day but it's gone as long as ten days (vacation) without getting awful.

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