I'll be eating quail sooner than I thought. ***Update**


11 Years
Mar 14, 2008
Castroville, Texas
I've had it with my "bobwhites" today. They attacked the coturnix they hatched out with and killed one a month ago. At the time I thought it was maybe the banty faverolle mixes I had in the pen and seperated them out and thought that was the end of it. This morning I put my Texas AMs and my regular coturnix in the grow out pen with the "bobwhites" and went to work. I came home to find one Texas AM dead and the rest of the coturnix torn up and Crazy Larry and his brothers were still attacking them. Upon taking them out I got a good look at them and realized they weren't bobwhites. I looked at some websites and discovered the eggs sold to me as bobwhites are actually Tennessee Reds. I never wanted to get Reds due to how aggressive I've heard they can be even though they are a muted bobwhite color. I can't deal with them anymore and plan to butcher them Thursday evening and have quail for the Fourth.
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Yea Tennessee Reds and bobwhites can be a handfull.. my uncle has 4 females and 5 males of each and they fight each other all the time.. it's gotten to the point where we have make another pen to take some of the males out.. i never knew Tennessee Reds and bobwhites could be so mean and sry about the other 2 quails that died
Wow, Ace, I didn't think that they could the "that" aggressive. At least I know now to avoid the Tennessee Reds. Sorry to hear about the deaths and injuries. I hope those quail cook up great. Be sure to let us know how well they go down!

Yah one thing you never want to do especially around mating season is mixed DIFFERENT SPECIES of quail or any gamebird together. It is fine to mix different color mutations but as soon as you mix bobwhite and cortunix it is war.
Sorry for your loss...but that comes with the territory.
Yeah. These are three lone males and mostly they attacked the female coturnix. I'm done messing with Reds and will watch the bobwhite chicks I have growing with my coturnix closely.
You don't want these birds trust me. They will kill your buttons. And I did buy them to raise and breed to get quail meat. They are aggressive even towards me they bit me pretty good when I took them out the cage.

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