Spikey scabs in quail


Dec 16, 2022

I wonder if these scabs are a common thing or they're a disease or something that needs to be addressed.

Here there are some pictures showing where the scabs are located in her body as well as some close ups and a photo of the feeder. There come with some footnotes.

I have a Japanese Coturnix Isabelle quail. She's kept as an indoor pet. There's another quail but right now they're separated.

In the last 2 months, I started noticing some spikey scabs on her chest. Then in the last month or so I've also noticed them in her head and also one in her leg.
All these are places where there's some sort of friction. The scabs around her head are in places where she has some friction against the feeder's holes. I let her out of the cage everyday and even if it's not very often, she sometimes flights and bumps into things and hurts herself in the chest. So I think that's where those are comming from. And in the leg I really don't know but it's just one.

The scabs keep growing and eventually they fall off on their own but then they re-spawn like pokemon in tall grass.

I didn't worry when I saw the first ones in the chest but since the problem seems to be getting worse and they're popping up in other parts of her body I'm starting to worry.

I haven't been able to find anything online about these scabs. I wonder if they're just scabs and they're a common non dangerous thing I shouldn't worry about or if they're some sort of disease that needs to be checked and treated. The quail is active, eats and drinks, runs normal, it's pretty active actually, a bit too much even.
The only thing I've noticed is that in the last couple months or last month (I don't remember), she's been panting a lot. Like while she's bathing in the shavings she pants, other times when she's running around, other times for apparently no reason, but she does that for about 1/4 part of the moments I am looking at her.

She's very tame and friendly and it's not scared of me. She's now isolated out of caution.
They're indoors so they're not in contact with other animals. I only have a canary in his cage that goes outside in the balcony every day, but he seems healthy and doesn't have shown anything like this.

The other quail is not panting and doesn't have these scabs, but they've been together most of the time, just appart for the last weeks. They also have pretty different personalities, the quail with the scabs is a lot more tame and friendly but also much less graceful and more of a brute when it comes to food and in general. So if they're caused by friction or something like that, I guess that's why the other one doesn't have them. She doesn't fly and bump into things and she isn't as brute while eating or comming for food. The golden quail (with the scabs) starts jumping against the top mesh of the cage when she sees me comming with a treat out of anxiousness for it, and definitely goes to get food without being very careful.

As a side note:

The panting and the scabs can very well be totally separate issues, but I thought it was good to mention. Also a few months ago she hurt herself against the ceiling and walls while flying pretty bad. It was a few meter's flight. She hasn't hurt herself that bad again since I've been keeping a closer eye on her when she's out. But still you can't predict her sudden crazy flights since there doesn't seem to be a trigger and it happens all the sudden. I have a moral dilemma of if I should let herself out less or not, because she is really happy outside and I think it's worth it as long as she doesn't get any serious injury. I wonder how people keep them in aviaries and if they run in the same problem.
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Can you show some pictures of your setup? I'm wondering if there are some sharp edges that she's hitting or rubbing against.
There isn't anything. The only things she may have had friction with is what I already mentioned in the post. But nothing sharp at all not in the cage nor in my appartment.

The feeder is DIY from a bottle of fabric softener and a couple cream cheese containers. But I've covered with tape any parts that could be potentially sharp inside and outside it. And the only thing are the holes. But they're not sharp as in cutting, just maybe from the friction with the edges while feeding.

Have you seen these types of scabs before?


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I haven't. The next thought would be her diet. What are you feeding her?

Does her poop look normal?
Yes, her poop is normal and she's eating feed for laying quail. I also give her a bit of fruit or veggies everyday. But in small quantities. I don't think the diet it's an issue.

I wonder if other people haven't notice this in their quail because they don't look at them as much as I do since she's a pet or because she really is somewhat different. The scabs aren't that easy to notice if you're not purposely monitoring them. I noticed because I pet her and felt some hard things. Also because I knew she hurt herself in the chest so I was looking at her.

I have also updated the feeder so the holes are covered with tape now and it's soft in case that was a problem.

But I really wonder because idk most farm people just drill holes and they don't pay much mind in things and I'm sure most quails and chicken are in much rougher conditions than my quail I wonder do these things happen to those birds too? Is it just mine?
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could it be scaly leg mites?
I thought about it but her legs look just fine. So do the rest of my birds. The only thing was the spiky scab that already fell off.

It looks like a scab that it's confused and keeps growing out as a feather would do instead of just being flat and fall off.

It isn't a disturbance of the feathers tho because I just found one in her toe.
My best bet it's some sort of scab wart. It seems to attack where she's hurt herself or her skin is a bit worn by friction and she's exposed. Maybe it's a virus of some sort of something else. I don't really have a clue.
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