Identity Crisis!?!?!?! Any help would be appreciated!


12 Years
Aug 2, 2007
I am new to raising egg laying chickens and ordered a meat and egg combo from McMurray this past spring. I wasn't exactly sure how this was going to go and it turns out I have completely fallen in love with these beautiful girls. Oh yea and the wonderful funny roo Nugget we ended up with too! The problem is I have NO idea what kind of chikens I have here. Any help with this would be great!!!

Here it goes.. We have three plain white little girls that look like this...

We also have one with black feathers that have brown outlines and a teal sheen on her feathers if that makes sense...

Another photo same chicken..her name is Missy..

We Have the ever popular Nugget and his girlfriend who are both the same breed I believe but one is obvously a Rooster..Nugget..and then we have the hen. I will show you Nugget first and then I only have one picture of the hen and you can't see her real well in it. Sorry!!


We do have two other kinds of hens we have a couple that are all black with black legs and one that is a tiny little red thing. The only problem is I realized I don't have any good photos of them.

I really appreciate any help you all can give me. The thing is I did not realize how quickly I would grow attached to these littly sweethearts. And here is the other thing I did not realize. How soon I would find myself wondering if I have room for more!!!
The white are leghorns, and the black might be Black sex links, not sure about nuggut! But he sure is pretty!perhaps a mottled java?
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The first is probably a white leghorn. Missy is a Golden Laced Wyandotte and at first i thought your other birds might be Silver Laced Wyandottes. They cant be Javas because of the rose comb but now after looking through my Standard Of Perfection I think that your birds are Silver Spangled Hamburgs. Wyandottes would have yellow legs, Hamburgs have grey. Ok i think theyre the Hamburgs haha. I dont order from McMurray anymore because the quality of the birds is pretty poor. My daughter uses them to show so that matters for her, wouldnt for anyone else though. Wyandottes are great egg layers.
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Thanks so much for all your help. It really doesn't matter what breed these girls are to me. I just wanted to know! I received them On April 30th and am anxiously awaiting my first eggs! I know everyone says to be patient, but it is so hard. My girls are still young yet from what I have read on this site. You people are sooo helpful!!!
OMG I must have had a blonde momnet, I cant believe I didnt realize that Missy was a GLW! I knew that!! lol
I believe you will find that missy is a dark cornish. McMurry's cornish hardly resembles the ones in their pics, Im willing to bet she is pea combed, wyandotte's have rose combs. maybe a pic of her comb?

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