I’m back, new eggs on the way!!!

I think my deaths happened a bit earlier maybe 2 of them sometime around lock down *shrug* I really have no clue - they were not quite done yet so must have been something wrong I can’t see.
Yes actually I was about to add more vitamins and clean water, I added a bit last night so they all get some. He’s still doing it but he also walks normal sometimes. I was really hoping he would quit it... maybe another dose will help. They seem to like them anyway.

Maybe it will help. Another update? If it doesnt would you keep a handicapped quail? male or female make a difference?
Maybe it will help. Another update? If it doesnt would you keep a handicapped quail? male or female make a difference?

I really rather not cull him or her, he’s just so cute, unless I can see it’s in pain then I wouldn’t cull it, or I would wait until it was old enough to eat - if it wasn’t in pain.

So long as he’s not acting like he’s hurting or whatever and able to eat/drink/walk/peep/grow and otherwise be normal I’m going to leave him be. He’s getting around and jumping into the food bowls, he just seems to roll back on his “knees” a lot and sometimes he walks normal other times he doesn’t. He was the last to hatch I think, maybe he was in the egg too long, no one else seems to have an issue.

If he doesn’t show any improvement at all I may administer some vits orally if the water doesn’t work. Usually if a have one falling behind in growth or whatever if I give them vitamins within a couple days to a week you can’t tell which one was treated (if I have all same color at the time) they usually catch up quick.

I had some in a sick/weak tub before and they all caught up rather quickly lol I don’t know which they were except one little runt I named Widget - but I let banded him that’s the only way I can tell it’s him still... lol and he’s always excited to see me when I go outside! I actually have no clue if he’s a boy or a girl because he’s a Texas lol!
I just wondered what your take would be. I too would be tempted to keep it in your shoes. As were backyard enthusiasts vs commerical producers its no big deal. Im tryn to find a middle ground because i need to have an economically geared flock but dont agree with mass production technics and this is one of the topics thats bugging me. My goal isnt to supply millions of people but rather just family, neighbors and friends to make a modest side income. Thats alot of demand when its all said and done but not millions by far. With much smaller numbers tho that makes a larger impact. I think alot of it would depend on how much if any extra care the bird required, in my shoes. But then the question of laying rate and meat comes to mind. Idk.
(Right - silver tux I think, left Gimpy feet he’s not as yellow as a normal yellow (white) chick like a Texas, I think he’s a super pale silver another reason I don’t want to put him down yet)

See bottom for my post I hate how it puts the image above my words LOL!!!

I just wondered what your take would be. I too would be tempted to keep it in your shoes. As were backyard enthusiasts vs commerical producers its no big deal. Im tryn to find a middle ground because i need to have an economically geared flock but dont agree with mass production technics and this is one of the topics thats bugging me. My goal isnt to supply millions of people but rather just family, neighbors and friends to make a modest side income. Thats alot of demand when its all said and done but not millions by far. With much smaller numbers tho that makes a larger impact. I think alot of it would depend on how much if any extra care the bird required, in my shoes. But then the question of laying rate and meat comes to mind. Idk.

If I was commercial for meat/eggs I probably wouldn’t have even noticed it tbh - my son pointed it out lol! Cause I would most likely have hundreds if not thousands maybe?

If I noticed it and noticed he was smaller and I was commercial yeah I would probably cull him.

But since I’m not commercial and I do it for just family and friends and this particular batch was more for pets and eggs then I won’t cull, unless he’s not doing well.

Right now he doesn’t require any extra work - he’s just sitting in there with the rest of them. We (you and I) have a lot on our plate, multiple kids, trying to make $ (be it different ways) houses to run, etc

I tend to rescue things and it has its downside - things seem to find me. My daughters cats she left behind when she died, a bird my cat almost killed, another cat I found when I went jogging on a dirt road who was nearly dead that I nursed back to health after taking to the vet and checking for a micro chip and trying to search every lost cat board online - she had no owner that reported her. The vet had never seen a cat in such horrible condition which doesn’t say much for the cat. LOL

She’s fine now, some Siamese mix. God she was a mess. Anyway she is really cute even though she is a bit stinky I kept her because I knew a shelter would put her down. She’s half deaf and is missing part of an ear, her face looks like it’s been kicked in at one point, but she looks a lot better now. That was in July last year. She stays mainly in the garage because she’s a few screws loose and I can’t have her in the house. People on fb donated so her bills were paid!

So anyway yeah that’s a long post my husband just walked by and was like that’s really long...

If the chick can thrive the chick can stay, but I prob wouldn’t breed it unless it improved it would prob just be hanging around in one of the pens that isn’t for meat birds.

The meat breeders have important jobs to do as you know and they need to be in good shape and size. Mine are good right now so these other colors are just for fun.

I guess we will have to wait and see how he does. I’ve had to cull before it’s super easy at this age but he’s just so darn cute LOL!!
I guess what I should have said in a LOT less words is how much work is this ONE chick gonna take? If you are making $ from your animals (I only sell eggs in summer and I don’t make a ton just some pizza cash or whatever lol)

If yours with the splayed legs was an easy fix and can go back with the rest then he’s good to go I would think? If he’s gonna need special attention and care forever then... that’s up to the person raising them I guess and it depends how much time you have to devote to one little chick and if he’s in pain or will have a painful life. Can’t sell him but if he thrives you can still have him for meat if that is the intention.

Just depends on the person, their work/farm, and their needs I guess?

I try to save first, cull later when possible. I think I’ll stick to that. Lol.
These guys remind me of a gang or something LOL I dunno I call them my red heads or “the gangstas”

These 3 remind me of the stooges, or penguins, but I call them my panda bears.

Your right i agree probly wouldnt notice these things if the birds were in great numbers which is one of the things i want to stay away from. Itll require more resources but id like to maintain many smaller flocks and many smaller hatches in the long run. Isnt that what you do too or do u have a run with most of the meaties? Is it by design or because thats how it fell together?

Your right in most big farms probly soons they see it its an automatic cull. Ive spent probly an hr all told on the little guy. Not much time for a stay at home mom, evem a super busy one, but it is extra time none the less. It doesnt mean much now while yes this one is fine and when i can have another roo or hen to choose for breeding but will it be a way of thinking one day? Im really not sure. Id like to think i could always give them the best chance to thrive and it worked that time with the splay leg but there was also the one w the head deformity. I spent another half hr nursing him with the vits and tryn to help him stand. Nothing worked. I dont want to go on an every case is special thing but its really the truth. In this case i attribute both of those problems to my flawed incubation and i would think them healthy blooded still if they overcame it.

Your right it really depends on the individual in charge of them goals or needs im just tryn to think out these things as its come up and i am tryn to get serious abiut this again.

No worries about the length w me i hold my own ;) hopefully one day someone can use the info were gathering here

I too am a rescuer with a bleeding heart and i wouldve done the same for your poor kitty but didnt u also tell me u have a severe dander allergy? You did it anyway :love

This is how i wound up w a horse :rolleyes: the neighbors had asked us to take him and i was like no No No right? I have waaaay too much on my plate no way! They can Give him to someone Else... three or 4 days later i found him tied up in full sun all day 110* heat index and no water. :he ta-da his name is Dude. Like in the big labowski :gighe kicked me on new years eve so were on outs right now.
These guys remind me of a gang or something LOL I dunno I call them my red heads or “the gangstas”
View attachment 1671696

These 3 remind me of the stooges, or penguins, but I call them my panda bears.

View attachment 1671699

These guys are so cute i really hope we can trade eggs one day soon id love to dote on their lil faces:love i hope to see the redish pigment among them thats my fav but the black is pretty awesome too:love im thinking way too hard about just getting a Couple of celadon eggs :oops: 6$ a doz and a 15$ ride

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