I’m back, new eggs on the way!!!


My luck theyll both be too far away for consideration but theyre great deals!

Those are cool! Yes they are quite a ways I am outside Columbia, little town of Irmo.

Yeah I was gonna get some rabbit hutch like smaller than what I have outside for the breeders I just keep a few sets in each so they have room, and everyone has two waterers.

I figured maybe I will keep 1 roo and 3-4 hens inside depending on what is what and who is what, pick a few favorite colors and have them in my office, I have a nice window here and I like to listen to their soft singing - that’s what I call it anyway - it’s like a chatter like a cooing lol and I think the crowing is cute too.

So far so good on your hatch then!! I have had shipped eggs pip wrong side - did not happen this time but it did happen last summer I am trying to remember what happened but I don’t think they died, I think one of them unzipped from top to bottom like vertical and I helped pull the pieces apart so he could just push out. One unzipped the top, and one sorta got screwed up and I just helped pop him out right quick.

I think they were all fine but I was worried because yeah - they were backwards and I was like oh no... and then more did it and I was like NOOOO don’t do that!! But it worked out ok. :)
Yes now I remember it was my valley quails they pipped wrong end and none of those died I would definitely remember if they did because I was really worried about them. It was not a great hatch and the breeder sent more which went a LOT better so maybe they got knocked around a lot - the few that pipped backwards lol
dont tell me! Ill go find more :lau

Point was simply those cages r a dime a dozen Go For It! I'll be very glad when DD has hers ☺ thats what in thinkn too, she keeps a roo an a couple hens :D im glad youll have the fun colors!

Thats what this one did too went the wrong way and i broke it up a little hes thriving now. One of the orig 40 have splay leg and DD wants that one. Im gonna make him a little harness to fix it.

Lol i remember babysitting the incubator worrying like that im glad i didnt have time to fret much this time.

Looks like half of the remaining 16 didnt even draw down no more pips. I assisted another one who pipped but didnt zip since last night. Found 2 DIS. I think were all but done over here with 66 healthy, what about over there?

I seem to have lost all my small feeders so i improvised

The hosp brooder

The splayed legged one
Awe!!! Poor little dude! I hope he will be ok! I think that improvised feeding is an excellent idea actually, I may steal that idea! All my feeders are being used at the moment I need to order more so I just put a bowl, and they like to sleep in it lol with an egg carton they could all sleep in it LOL! That set up looks great!

I had to open 4 eggs today, it was day 20 or 21, no movement, they were dark but hard to tell, so I carefully opened them, I put them in a zip lock baggie first because I had a good idea it wasn’t going to be a good smell...

They had died, they did not make it to “full term” 2 were almost done and you could tell their color mostly, and the other two had been gone a while longer but because of the color of the egg it was hard to see from the outside.

So I got about 80% 16 babies - I’m good with that for this “fun” batch to start the season ya know. Plus the eggs being shipped and all I think we both did well!!! Very good!

Now I also have one with weird legs we did not notice until today. I don’t know what this is called but he walks on his joints? I can’t remember but I think we had this before and it went away on its own, I hate to lose this little dude because he’s not quite white he’s extremely pale silver I think like if you notice on his back he has stripes - the Texas and English white don’t have that, and his skin is darker so he must be some pale silver, maybe what people call “platinum”

Oh I had to upload to YouTube cause the file is too big:

I candled the silver eggs tonight and moved them from the small incubator to the bigger one and it looks like so far all tried to grow but looks like 3 early quitters but I didn’t take them out yet, so I left all 24 in, but I kinda separated the ones I thought were not good right now, I think so far 21 are doing ok, we will see in a few more days if that number drops a bit. :)
Splay leg is doing well, seems to have half corrected overnight and hes walking now!

I have seen them walk on their hocks like that and i just searched it but didnt find anything helpful sorry. Do you use any vits for the hatchlings? I find this nutri-drench to be hellful.

Yes indeed your 16 hatchers from shipped eggs are Very good! Congrats! I too went ahead and shut down the bator, opened up the 4 (also lol) eggs that had drawn down but not piped and everything had passed on. Im worried that they drowned when chickie soccer commenced, all 42 of them running around in there but i cant say for sure.

Glad you like the egg carton feeder, i had to do it with my first ever hatchlings before i bought the feeders(that i cant find:rant.) It was easy cuz i have abuncha 18 cartons and i only like to use the 12s. Fits better anyway lol i figure ill have to replace them every few days so theyre clean and not breaking.
Splay leg is doing well, seems to have half corrected overnight and hes walking now!

I have seen them walk on their hocks like that and i just searched it but didnt find anything helpful sorry. Do you use any vits for the hatchlings? I find this nutri-drench to be hellful.View attachment 1671159

Yes indeed your 16 hatchers from shipped eggs are Very good! Congrats! I too went ahead and shut down the bator, opened up the 4 (also lol) eggs that had drawn down but not piped and everything had passed on. Im worried that they drowned when chickie soccer commenced, all 42 of them running around in there but i cant say for sure.

Glad you like the egg carton feeder, i had to do it with my first ever hatchlings before i bought the feeders(that i cant find:rant.) It was easy cuz i have abuncha 18 cartons and i only like to use the 12s. Fits better anyway lol i figure ill have to replace them every few days so theyre clean and not breaking.

Yes actually I was about to add more vitamins and clean water, I added a bit last night so they all get some. He’s still doing it but he also walks normal sometimes. I was really hoping he would quit it... maybe another dose will help. They seem to like them anyway.

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