Hudson Valley NY *chat thread*

Wow, good for you & your husband. I want to learn how to process. Someone at our church does it, think I will ask her to teach me. I think its time I learn.
Thanks Erica but I must give my DH all the credit. I didn't (couldn't) help. At the end of the day we had 6 Perdue-ish oven-stuffer sized chickens for the freezer. He said the first one was the hardest but after that one it was pretty easy. He wants to get more to process by October.
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They're just getting over their psycho-broody moodiness so I haven't been getting many eggs. On average, the 2 buff orpingtons were laying about 8-10/week. They're one of my favorite breeds. I love how full-feathered they are. They're curvy girls lol

All together between them all or from each bird? How many do you have?
Hey! We were going to have a processing gathering weren't we? I have not had to process any yet. I have been really lucky with selling chicks and my excess roosters. The down side is that my freezer is empty yet and I didn't order meaties secondary to some logistical issues that came up. It really isn't too challenging once you do a few, but those first few are a learning experience. The dispatching part is the hardest, as it should be. There are some videos on the web done by Joe Salatin and they are great for learning.

I am sure I will be left with some roosters after this batch though and I imagine several of the folks who got straight run chicks from me will be returning some boys. Home grown beer can chicken? I bet it was spectacular.

My gardens are running away. My potatoes in the feed bags are about 4 feet tall already and flowering, I already harvested a wheelbarrow full of broccoli rabe. My beets and collards are ready, the snow/snap/and garden peas are about to make a show, and I have a bazillion heads of loose leaf lettuce that need thinning out. Everything is just exploding. This slow, constant drizzle should work wonders too at getting my warm weather garden to come up (beans, beans, beans, corn, and squash).

How are yours coming along?

Yes, we were supposed to have a processing party and he asked me to contact you to see if you were doing yours soon but he got anxious. It's a good thing he did them when he did; I haven't see him much lately. He watched quite a few videos on YouTube. Not sure if he saw any by Joe Salatin.
He wants to get more to process sometime in October. Not sure where to get them locally, though. Do you know anybody?

Sounds like your gardens are doing very well! I scaled back this year. I had a huge squash bug problem last year and got discouraged. My tomato plants are still puny but the herbs. peppers and peas are doing really well. The kale, spinach and swiss chard look pretty good too. It has been kind of nice to not have to worry about watering the gardens but a little sun would be great. This weather is horrendous!
Yes, we were supposed to have a processing party and he asked me to contact you to see if you were doing yours soon but he got anxious. It's a good thing he did them when he did; I haven't see him much lately. He watched quite a few videos on YouTube. Not sure if he saw any by Joe Salatin.
He wants to get more to process sometime in October. Not sure where to get them locally, though. Do you know anybody?

Sounds like your gardens are doing very well! I scaled back this year. I had a huge squash bug problem last year and got discouraged. My tomato plants are still puny but the herbs. peppers and peas are doing really well. The kale, spinach and swiss chard look pretty good too. It has been kind of nice to not have to worry about watering the gardens but a little sun would be great. This weather is horrendous!

The rain sucks in so many ways but it's nice to not water. Weather is weird. It felt cold the last 2 days . We are headed to lake george this weekend. All my bean plants and peas got eaten by some pesky animals. My corn got attached by a chicken while I was standing watch ...everything else seems to be growing slowly. Peppers blossoming and tomatoes but I don't know it just seems like a weird garden year. The weather just messed me up for gardening.

No chicks yet. I candled in house today and found good signs in 9 eggs. Outside who knows what's going on. My one broody has taken to growling while the other just screeches the minute you look at her. My sweet broody is a jersey that let's me pet her but I don't see anything and I won't move her. I was worried to see my deleware and her Co broody both off the nest yesterday at the same time. First time I had seen that. Keeping my fingers crossed for the best.
look what peaked out under mama today. So at least 1 chick was hatched !
Congratulations~ I love when they peek out from under their momma ! When are the rest due to hatch? Have a great time in Lake George! It's supposed to be a nice weekend. I feel like the weather has been a major source of irritation for months between the winter we had and now we're enduring a cold, wet, dreary spring. I was tempted to light a fire yesterday just to get rid of the dampness in the house. Anyway, enjoy your weekend :) I have a date with Carlos Santana @ Bethel Woods!
Hello All,

I just joined Backyard Chickens and this is my first post! I wasn't sure where to reach out, but this seemed like a good place. I used to live and work in the Hudson Valley, and I currently live in New York City. I have a commitment to slaughter my own meat as a personal and religious practice, and in NYC I have had a hard time finding sustainable chickens for consumption. The birds available at the live poultry markets are mostly commercially factory raised.

Does anyone on this thread have recommendations (or they themselves have) meat birds that are sustainably raised available for purchase? Thanks!

Oh my! I have 4 eggs in an incubator that have been rattling around all day! Never did this before and excited for the hatch. day 21 will be Saturday! Unfortunately Saturdays I work the Cornwall farmers market. I will be very upset to mis the first pip and zip?
On the other note...if you are in Cornwall on any Saturday, stop by the town hall square and say hello. 10 percent discounts on any of my products to BYC members. Stop by my stall "Bonnie Brae Soaps".

Hello All,

I just joined Backyard Chickens and this is my first post! I wasn't sure where to reach out, but this seemed like a good place. I used to live and work in the Hudson Valley, and I currently live in New York City. I have a commitment to slaughter my own meat as a personal and religious practice, and in NYC I have had a hard time finding sustainable chickens for consumption. The birds available at the live poultry markets are mostly commercially factory raised.

Does anyone on this thread have recommendations (or they themselves have) meat birds that are sustainably raised available for purchase? Thanks!

Jacob, I would check out the meat birds thread: and start a new thread there about sustainably raised chickens or check into some of the threads already there. You might check into freedom rangers or some of the other colored meat birds. Those are bred to be a bit slower than the commercial cornish and might be what you are looking for. Most hatcheries carry some form of slower broiler.

I just use the extra roosters that I get in all my hatches. They grow really slow since they are heritage and never really fill out like a cornish will, but they are super tasty and essentially free.
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Oh my! I have 4 eggs in an incubator that have been rattling around all day! Never did this before and excited for the hatch. day 21 will be Saturday! Unfortunately Saturdays I work the Cornwall farmers market. I will be very upset to mis the first pip and zip?
On the other note...if you are in Cornwall on any Saturday, stop by the town hall square and say hello. 10 percent discounts on any of my products to BYC members. Stop by my stall "Bonnie Brae Soaps".

Yay!!!! So you go into lockdown today! So happy for you! Can't wait to see what comes out of them!

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