Hudson Valley NY *chat thread*

My goodness..must have been the day for it. I was out at 7am cleaning the coop and even at that hour, my middle aged body was drenched in sweat. Felt good! Yay for crones! :)

Still tweaking the run. Framework up and needs to be painted before adding welded wire and hardware cloth skirts. Going on the hippy chick theme. Groovy! Here is the sign I painted for the coop door along with some funky flowers for the fence. Having too much fun with this and starting to get eyerolls from friends and family if I mention chickens

Chicken obsessed


OH Barbi~ That's adorable! LOVE it!!! Please post pictures when it's finished.

I am out of my mind. I spent over 3 hours cleaning one of the coops today. It wasn't that bad but I overhauled it anyway. I think I went a little overboard ~ I hung fresh herbs and sprinkled rose petals and lavender in the nesting boxes (Fresh Eggs Daily tips...another great chicken website). The run was desperate for attention and so very funky so I raked the muck and threw a bale of hay in for the girls to spread out. I didn't get to clean the other coop...ran out of wood chips. I had too many other things to do today so I'll get to that coop later this week. This middle-aged body was achy and also drenched in sweat; I wanted a shower!

BTW:: How was your cruise?
That looks awesome. Right now were going to be shoestringing it. But someday id love to be able to invest some money on making my chicken stuff look cool like that.

My dad asked me lastnight what my plans were for today because he needs my help moving and i said nothing. Was just going to spend the day in the backyard chicken learning center lol. He told me if i get a brooder i can get chicks!!!! But i must weigh the costs of raising chicks to paying more per bird if i got older ones who are getting ready to start laying or already have. Im determined to present numbers in my favor lol.
LOL been there done that. Deciding on chicks vs. POL pullets is a tough decision...many pros and cons for both. The problem with getting pullets is that if they come from several different places, integrating them might be tricky and you'd have to quarantine them to make sure they're healthy. Chicks will be flock mates from the start and will settle into their own pecking order as they grow. Do you know someone who has chickens? Maybe to keep costs down you can barter or split the cost of an order of chicks. If you're handy or know someone who is, you can make a brooder out of a wooden pallet (usually free). Take it apart and use the wood to make a big box. The drawback is that it'll be heavy. A big storage tote will work also.

Decorating your coop and run is fun and it can be done for next to nothing. There's a lot of cheap, cute stuff in the Christmas Tree Shop. I recently found wooden peace signs in the dollar store. To protect them from snow & rain, I covered them in floral Duck tape that was on clearance in Target for $1.38/roll. Start checking flea markets, tag sales and thrift shops. Before you know it you'll have plenty of cool things.
Hey all. Stopping in. Left the job for a new one with hopefully less hours. I have my 3 coops up and running. Two incubators going with 15 eggs. 3 broody hens sitting on 17 eggs.

Hopefully I will get time to post and chat again. How's everyone else doing ?
Hey all. Stopping in. Left the job for a new one with hopefully less hours. I have my 3 coops up and running. Two incubators going with 15 eggs. 3 broody hens sitting on 17 eggs.

Hopefully I will get time to post and chat again. How's everyone else doing ?

Wow sounds like you go a lot going on with eggs. You know what youre hatching yet?
Hey all. Stopping in. Left the job for a new one with hopefully less hours. I have my 3 coops up and running. Two incubators going with 15 eggs. 3 broody hens sitting on 17 eggs.

Hopefully I will get time to post and chat again. How's everyone else doing ?
Hi Sally! Good luck at your new job!
It has been pretty quiet around here lately.
It is a fever... I just hatched out 25/30 that went into lockdown and have 6 broodies on approximately 60 eggs, not really sure though since I just keep shoving eggs under them :oops:

Thats a lot lol. Im shopping around local stores to find the best prices for my chick supplies and then beginning of july ill be working on buying everything and setting up. My friend told me about an auction held every saturday night in schuylerville so were going to hook up and go. Hope i can find the breed of chicks im looking for there. You or anyone else on here ever been to that auction?
Thats a lot lol. Im shopping around local stores to find the best prices for my chick supplies and then beginning of july ill be working on buying everything and setting up. My friend told me about an auction held every saturday night in schuylerville so were going to hook up and go. Hope i can find the breed of chicks im looking for there. You or anyone else on here ever been to that auction?
That is really far for me, so no. Depending on how many you are getting, you really don't need to get much and you can get pretty creative with containers to make feeders and waterers, just look in the link for some ideas.
Well I have black copper Marans under three broody girls (one nipped me today lol) they are on day 18. I have 2 follower hens who want to be broody too. They have no eggs ....Although 1 is stubborn and has managed to get 3 golf balls to sit on . They eggs in the incubators are mpttled orpingtons eggs.

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