How to keep chickens cool and OFF of my porches?


6 Years
Apr 27, 2017
My ten chickens free range all day. In the mornings and late afternoons they have an acre of mowed grass with trees they can freely roam and they do. However, the heat of the day they hang around the cement front porch by our front door and under the car port under or beside the car. Usually in a huddle. With all this space it is frustrating to have chicken poop here. The breeze there is nice so I’m trying to find a spot just as cool.

Any tips on how to entice them to a new spot and keep it cool. Also tips on how to deter them from their favorite spots without having to just put up a fence?
Maybe they'd like a pool in the shade?
A hot day  (3 of 1).jpg
Give them frozen treats during the day and put ice in there water. Make sure they have plenty of shade. And @SueT has a good idea about the pool of water. Mine like the pool of water too. Make sure its not too deep tho
For keeping chickens cool give them mud to rull in.maby put some wire or outdoor window film around your porch to keep them off your porch.
It's about fencing; once they find a favored location, only fencing will do. Or a dog who guards the porch but doesn't injure the birds, or a sprinkler on automatic that turns on when approached (motion detector) but that will take you all out too.
Setting up a shade tarp and a trough of cold water and some frozen Popsicles (berries frozen into ive cubes can help. Also making them a cold mash could cool them off.

Take a few scoops of crumbled chicken food and put it into a bowl add water (cold or hot depending on if you want a hot or cold mash) whole mixing until your feed gets a oatmealish texture after wards add what ever treats your chickens like.(seeds,berries,etc.)

I also did another post on BYC asking how to keep them cool some of the people's answers might help you.
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