How much oregano is good for chickens?

Ummm. No.

A lot of over the counter unregulated supplements for chickens contain oregano oil. That should not be mistaken for "medication".

As Paracelsus observed, "The dosage is the poison." There is an important medical truth in that quote.

Note that I am not denying that some compounds in oreganum varietals can have antibacterial properties against some pathogens. I am saying that you can't know, in those OTC offerings, what the concentration of the active compounds are in the oil, or what the concentration of the oil is in the product. Or how age may have affected its potency.

That's more hope and prayer than science and pharmacy. Magical thinking, perhaps even educated magical thinking, but not "medicine."
All you’re arguing is that it can be too concentrated resulting in potency. Which involves anything you give your chickens. Even treats can be considered “poisonous” if given too much. What everyone else is asking is if oregano is beneficial in respiratory illnesses, which it is.
I may add that as a prevention Oregano is MUCH more useful then as a treatment.
It's a good way to help the immune system. As a person with asthma, allergies & chronic bronchitis as a child, I can certainly attest to the benefits of natural plants & herbs.

Most drugs behind the pharmacist's counter in the Western world are derived from plants, that people have used for centuries, including the top 20 best selling prescription drugs in the United States today.

Garlic, Oregano & ACV have been used in the drinking water of people & their Homing Pigeons for centuries. Even Elderberry has stopped Adeno virus deaths in pigeon fanciers coops within 3 days of adding it to the daily fresh water...that is a fact I experienced when we were flying our pigeons locally. The people that used the Elderberry only lost some pigeons. Those who did nothing, lost entire flocks.

You can think what you will, But trying & getting actual results made a difference to me.
I came across a study on black pepper that suggests that using it in over 0.3% of the diet can reduce eggshell quality, and it cites another study as saying over 0.6% garlic in the diet decreased productivity. Unfortunately, it's hard to read because English is not the authors' first language, but at least it's short.

So, probably something like 0.25-0.5% (by dry weight) with breaks (something like one week on, one week off) would be a good starting point for the oregano. I wouldn't put it in the waterer unless the water gets used up in about a day. Oregano tea, like all teas I've tried, will ferment. Maybe apple cider vinegar added to the water would prevent it from going bad for longer. That gives me an idea.... oregano infused ACV... we're starting to get into salad dressing territory, here....
I've added ACV with garlic & Oregano, the chicken coops & pigeon loft smell awesome! 😋 And since it is delicious, so does my breath...unless you're a vampire 😆
All you’re arguing is that it can be too concentrated resulting in potency. Which involves anything you give your chickens. Even treats can be considered “poisonous” if given too much. What everyone else is asking is if oregano is beneficial in respiratory illnesses, which it is.
And you have almost entirely misread my post. Try again.
Hi there. On the oregano issue, my chickens have oregano growing just outside their run and have the opportunity to eat it every day, but rarely do. I do like the benefits of oregano as you mentioned, however, so I make a "tea" with a teaspoon of chopped fresh oregano in 8 oz. near-boiling water. I let it steep for a bit and then strain the tea and put it in the fridge until it's cooled. I then add the tea to one of their gallon containers of fresh water in the run, so it's diluted in the water. They have another waterer as well, in which I have plain fresh water. This way they have a choice. They do seem to like the oregano tea, perhaps the flavor is not as strong as when they might peck at the raw leaves on the plant itself.
Hi, what do you think if I grow oregano in large scale, can I use chickens for selective weed control? I mean do they eat everything green excluded oregano?
Hi, what do you think if I grow oregano in large scale, can I use chickens for selective weed control? I mean do they eat everything green excluded oregano?
I have (unfortunately) discovered that hen's will not reliably work for selective weed control. Simply because they are seriously individualistic. One hen will hate one weed, another will adore it and yet another will tear up both just because they maybe had a bug underneath the weed the hen liked a whole lot more.
Now, do ya wanna hear about how I learned? Naw, I'll save it. This is a chicken forum, not a horror story garden forum. 🙃

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