How many times should bantam baby chicks drink in an hour?


7 Years
Mar 3, 2017
How many times should bantam baby chicks drink in an hour? We have 2 bantam babies who have been in the brooder since around 6pm last night. We have dipped their beaks in water many times and they will peck at dirt in their box (or the newspaper under the shavings :hmm), but can't seem to get the hang of drinking on their own. Do they just not need to drink very often? One is almost 2 days old, so I need to get it drinking on its own as soon as possible.
How many times should bantam baby chicks drink in an hour? We have 2 bantam babies who have been in the brooder since around 6pm last night. We have dipped their beaks in water many times and they will peck at dirt in their box (or the newspaper under the shavings :hmm), but can't seem to get the hang of drinking on their own. Do they just not need to drink very often? One is almost 2 days old, so I need to get it drinking on its own as soon as possible.
Are they swallowing water when you dip their beaks? If not, keep doing it periodically until they swallow. When you dip their beaks, try to make it so the beaks are only slightly tilted, not pointing straight down. That way when you dip water will go into their mouths instead of falling right out, and they should then swallow. Once they swallow they should start doing it on their own. Keep the waterer as near to them as possible but not so close that it overheats. Chicks may not drink warm water-- it should be room temperature or a bit cooler. Good luck!
Are they swallowing water when you dip their beaks? If not, keep doing it periodically until they swallow. When you dip their beaks, try to make it so the beaks are only slightly tilted, not pointing straight down. That way when you dip water will go into their mouths instead of falling right out, and they should then swallow. Once they swallow they should start doing it on their own. Keep the waterer as near to them as possible but not so close that it overheats. Chicks may not drink warm water-- it should be room temperature or a bit cooler. Good luck!
They do swallow water when I dip their beaks and their water is cool. I never thought about the beaks, but makes sense when I see my adult birds drink. When you say periodically, do you have a time like every 10, 20, 30, 40, etc. mins?
Ok, I have the younger one drinking on its own. We're not sure about the other one though......
I dont dip beaks and have never needed to. They work it out on their own :) They are quiet and sleepy at first but within 48hours are up eating and drinking.
I dont dip beaks and have never needed to. They work it out on their own :) They are quiet and sleepy at first but within 48hours are up eating and drinking.
Wow! I'm impressed! We have had chicks die because they just would not drink/eat! Maybe it's because we always end up with small batches?
I honestly dont know. I've got 3 in there at the minute and the 3rd didnt join for 48hours and they had worked it out. I use a heating plate and a chick drinker on top of that so its in their eye line, Maybe thats what does it??
Maybe, we use a heating pad and light. But we put the water/food on the other side of the brooder, which is just any big box you have at the time. We seem to have either really "smart" chicks or REALLY dumb chicks.

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