How can I tell which roosters are nice to the hens? Also few questions about my upcoming "Bachlor p

la dee da

15 Years
Dec 18, 2008
Hello everyone!

I've searched high and low for an answer to this, but have found nothing. I have four roosters and fifteen hens, so obviously something needs to be done. I'll be finishing my "bachelor pad" today where my extra 2-3 roosters will live--I want to keep them all for potential breeding purposes. I'd like to keep two roosters out with the hens, partly because I love seeing more than one rooster out and partly for predator detection. I know one of the roosters that'll be staying with the hens, but I can't for the life of me figure out the second. How can I tell which roosters are the nice ones (to the girls)? Do the roosters tend to become more hen aggressive (like chasing and hopping on them) the lower they are in the pecking order?

If I kept the nice rooster with the hens, and took turns trying the other three out with him (there would be two in the bachelor pad and two with the girls), would they fight? If it doesn't work with two roosters out with the hens, would the roosters fight if I put the third extra in the bachelor pad with the other two? I don't have the time or money to build another coop, so I really need to do this right the first time. Any advice is appreciated!

The bolded question is the one I most want answered. I bolded it so it wouldn't be lost in the flood of questions after it.

EDIT: All of my chickens will be a year old at the end of August.
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Well, I've decided to go by instinct. I'm sure it'll all work out.
Now to research what to feed roosters in a bachelor coop!

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