How and how often should you clean Peking ducks?

Duck poo is liquid. If you’re always seeing formed poo, you’re not giving enough water. It also sounds like way too much food, and definitely too much vegetables. I cleaned my Pekin pen (12x6 for 3) twice a year. They always had food and water.

Most of the poops I see around here are solid, not liquid, that's not to say I don't see liquid poops, but it's definitely less common.
Thanks for all your responses. What exactly is the barn lime supposed to do?
I am just wondering, why they poop so much? How much are they supposed to eat? I reduced the veggie feeding to once a day and will give it to them in the early afternoon.
They have access to their pellets pretty much all day. They will also eat chick starter unfortunately since they all live together. Is that bad for them (they are 6 weeks old)?

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