Hi I start off needing help

Take her to a vet where the wound can be properly debrided, flushed and sutured. She needs to be put on pain medication and antibiotics. She appears very thin and undernourished and may not survive.
@Michelle Papp, this doesn't look like the crop (red arrow). Tell me what's under the blue arrow. Is that her keel (breastbone)?
View attachment 3402490

Is this glue?View attachment 3402491
It actually was her crop I saw it before it had burst and it felt like a Hakki sack. I was gently massage it and I thought it was going down. But it was rather large and she kept scratching at it with her front foot when she would walk. And yes that is super glue and it has kept the wound together. No problem. Shes getting antibiotics and is bright eyed and vocal. She wants to eat a lot, but I’m not letting her eat too much.
:welcome Something caused it to burst. very likely she has an infection of some sort.
Did you go to the Vet for help? Or was this a DIY fix? Either way, I think it's a minor miracle that she's still alive.
No I didn’t go to the vet. And she’s doing great. Back with the flock. Some antibiotics and soft food for a bit and antibiotic spray for the wound site.
All I know is it had grain in it before it burst. I was pretty big. I thought it was starting to go down but I thing she either scratched it or pecked it and it burst. It wasn’t infected no pus or smell of infection it was more of the sour crop smell. I’m not a doctor. All I know is she is doing great and I’m thankful.

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