here a broody ....there a broody


12 Years
Jun 4, 2007
Central Arkansas
I have 6 broody hens and one hen that just hatched out babies. I have put guinea eggs under 2 hens, and the other hens are silkies and they are mostly sitting on silkie eggs.

Six broody hens all at once. Sounds like there are a lot of fluffy butts in your future

Good luck !!!
Congratulations on your new babies!! I am a newbie here online, but am thankful to all who have taught me so much in the past months that I have been quietly following along.
I am hoping that I can pass along some helpful information on the eggs you have placed under your hens. Our Auracauna recently hatched 6 out of twenty eggs. We made the mistake of not separating her and the other hens continued to lay on her nest. So once the six chicks hatched, after three days mama would no longer sit on the remaining eggs. So I placed the remaining eggs under a little broody bantam and broody silkie. The eggs were Auracauna. One hatched under the silkie...and to my horror found the little darling later in the day. The little one did not survive the obvious "pecking" of the silkie. She knew it was not her breed?? I sadly removed all the eggs as I didn't want it to continue if this is what the silkie would do. You may want to watch your eggs and mama chicken's behavior closely. Has anyone else had this experience?
The phoenix that hatched the babies had hatched them in a brush pile (we thought something had gotten her). We we knew nothing about them until she brought them out. The silkie that hatched the some babies, not all silkies, I snatched up and put in the brooder because she wasn't getting off the nest and I was scared the cats would get them.

I check them everyday to see if they kick any eggs out and if they do I candle and if they are good I put in the bator.

Thanks for the info.

Hens sometimes don't recognize the chicks as their own young and think instead that the strange furry creature under them is trying to steal their eggs.
I have a hen with 3 week old chicks,a hen with 1 week old chcks.2 hens due to hatch late next week,2 hens due to hatch around 7-4, 2 hens due to hatch around 7-4, 1 hen fostering 11 silkie eggs(someone gave thenm to me and they are at different stages of development, and 1 hen waiting for me to give her eggs. They are out of control.

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