Help with prolapses?


In the Brooder
Apr 9, 2024
I was trying to clean my week old chicks this morning, because my mom forgot to turn off the overhead fan when she went to bed last night and three of the chicks I have had some pretty nasty pasty butt when I got up, so I ran some warm water over their bums, wet down a paper towel with warm water and folded it, gently massaged to area and tried to get off as much as I initially could gently, then I took them into the bathroom and filled some small paper cups (these are very small, they're typically used for mouthwash, I believe) with warm water and soaked their bums in that for a bit before using toilet paper to gently remove the rest of the poop, I got the three worst ones cleaned up and went to put some Vaseline on their bums to help with their poo piling up again, and I noticed their vents were prolapsed.

It's just like a tiny pink bubble on their bums, you can see it "breathing" as it hangs out. I tried for a good two hours to gently press and hold the vent in (as was suggested online) and their vents aren't staying in. They can still poop, they don't seem to be in any pain, and they're still romping around and eating and drinking... should I do anything else? I don't want to hurt any of them, and, I have lost a chick to this sort of thing before, I really don't want that to happen again.

I feel awful about it, I've been periodically putting Vaseline on their bums since then to keep their vents from drying out, I just can't seem to get their vents to stay in, though. Nobody really talks about or shows how you're supposed to handle chicks when this happens... Should I add vegetable oil or something into their water? Since they can still poop and it's a bit watery I don't think I should, but, maybe I should? Just to ensure it doesn't become an issue?

Will the vent eventually go back in on its own? Since I'm assuming the prolapse was because of removing their poo, it's probably just a bit swollen, right? I'm panicking a bit because nowhere I look or ask at seems to give me any real advice on how to handle the situation, they're still active and acting normal, aside from their vent being out a bit, so... I don't really know?
Hi, I'm sorry you're having a hard time:hugs

Can you post photos of the vents?

The chicks are able to poop correct and they don't seem to be struggling to poop correct?

Applying the vaseline is good. If you have an anti-inflammatory cream, you can use that, but vaseline will be o.k.

I wouldn't add oil to their water at this time if they are eating/drinking ok.
Hi, I'm sorry you're having a hard time:hugs

Can you post photos of the vents?

The chicks are able to poop correct and they don't seem to be struggling to poop correct?

Applying the vaseline is good. If you have an anti-inflammatory cream, you can use that, but vaseline will be o.k.

I wouldn't add oil to their water at this time if they are eating/drinking ok.
Sure, sorry I was a bit busy before now, but I got the three of them

Yes though, my little boy I was holding earlier pooped all over me, it didn't seem like he had any trouble or pain doing so, and they've been eating and drinking just fine today, even after this started. They've been on the softest feed (starter scratch) until recently, which, was practically sand as far as consistency goes, I just started them on regular chick feed the other day, and introduced them to oats at a friend's suggestion, so their poo has been getting a bit firmer now, which has lead to the current situation of pasty butt with the temperature fluctuations here in my state and the change in food recently. The only reason it got as bad as it did last night was because of the fan being left on, on accident.


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I don't see anything prolapsed.

I'd continue to soak any stuck on poop as necessary and apply your choice of ointment, vaseline or oil to help sooth the vents and keep poop from sticking.

Do be sure to provide Chick Grit (Crushed Granite) if giving anything besides commercial Chich Starter (crumbles) so the chicks can process the foods.
I don't see anything prolapsed.

I'd continue to soak any stuck on poop as necessary and apply your choice of ointment, vaseline or oil to help sooth the vents and keep poop from sticking.

Do be sure to provide Chick Grit (Crushed Granite) if giving anything besides commercial Chich Starter (crumbles) so the chicks can process the foods.
Their vents are still hanging out today, I read somewhere that I could give them ibprophine for inflammation and swelling, so I cut some tiny, tiny pieces out of a small dosage and fed it to the three, their vents aren't dark pink anymore, but, they are still out... is this something that will fix itself within a few days? They are still eating, drinking and going to the bathroom regularly today. I did mix grit into their food once I started them on crumble as well

I'm just concerned about their vents still being out
Their vents are still hanging out today, I read somewhere that I could give them ibprophine for inflammation and swelling, so I cut some tiny, tiny pieces out of a small dosage and fed it to the three, their vents aren't dark pink anymore, but, they are still out... is this something that will fix itself within a few days? They are still eating, drinking and going to the bathroom regularly today. I did mix grit into their food once I started them on crumble as well

I'm just concerned about their vents still being out
I don't see anything concerning in the photos. I see no prolapse.

A prolapsed vent is when tissue (intestines and/or reproductive system) is hanging out of the vent.

I would not give any medications at all, they do not need pain medication. They are eating/drinking and active.

When down and feathers are wet, it can make the skin and body parts more prominent and visible.

I'd continue to keep them cleaned. Keep your brooder free of drafts. Keep water and feed on the cooler side and have one warm area on the other side for the chicks to get warmed as needed.
I don't see anything concerning in the photos. I see no prolapse.

A prolapsed vent is when tissue (intestines and/or reproductive system) is hanging out of the vent.

I would not give any medications at all, they do not need pain medication. They are eating/drinking and active.

When down and feathers are wet, it can make the skin and body parts more prominent and visible.

I'd continue to keep them cleaned. Keep your brooder free of drafts. Keep water and feed on the cooler side and have one warm area on the other side for the chicks to get warmed as needed.
Their vent is hanging out though, it looks like the Alaskan bull worm from SpongeBob 😂

It's probably hard to see because I applied vaseline a few hours prior, but all three of them have their vents out, you can really see it in that first picture, the other two aren't as prominent, due to the vasaline, and they're much smaller and less out colored than they were last night (they were brighter pink) but they still haven't gone in again, as of this point
Do you have a friend, parent or family member that can help you?

I would not give any more medications to the chicks.

They are active, eating/drinking. The vents are not prolapsed.
It is the vent. Perhaps a bit irritated from being soaked and washed, but it's a normal vent.

If they are pooping and the vents are not pasting over anymore, you can stop giving them a soak and applying ointments/oils.

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