Help! Something wrong with my chickens crop


8 Years
Oct 11, 2011
My White Leghorn hen (2 years) was lying down in the run today on her side, her legs sticking out. I picked her up and she seems unable to stand. I checked her all over, and her legs seem fine, her vent, she doesn't seem egg-bound. I felt her crop though, and it feels like it's full of sand. It's very gritty and feels like she's been eating stones or something. Is is supposed to be like that? She is very weak and cannot stand is and gasping for breath. I got her to drink some water. She also smells odd.

What could this be and what can I do?
I just held her upsidedown and massaged her crop and she spat up a lot of milky-colored liquid, and some red undigested grain. It looks like it is from scratch. Is this sour crop? What should I be feeding her?
How are her legs sticking? What direction? The crop sounds normal because chickens eat grit and small stones in order to grind up their food. I'm hoping its not mareks.
When my girl got sour crop I put epsom salts into her water and I massaged the crop DOWN not out the mouth multiple times per day. After a few days it went away. Good luck
Thank you! Is it a good think to get her to spit up? Or should I leave her alone?

She's mostly just puking up water. But it feels like her crop is still stuffed with grit/scratch.
I think its good for her to throw up. But maybe only 1 or 2 times a day. But I dont really know if its sour crop. Can you smell her breath??? Also is she able to stand now??
If she's on her side, unable to stand, breathing through her mouth, I'm sorry to say that there is a good chance that the dying process has started. Let us know how she is in a few hours. If she stabilizes, there are some things you could try, but I wouldn't do anything now that might stress her out more.
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It's been an hour or so since I found her and she's actually doing better. I went out to check on her just now and she stood up when she saw me and starting walking away. I went to pick her up and she actually ran. Her walking is a little shaky but she's much stronger than when I found her. Her breathing still sounds pretty bad though. I've been letting her rest. Is there anything different I should do now?

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