Help sick rooster!! Need advice on treatment.


6 Years
Apr 5, 2014
We wear cowboy hats here guess where?
well this is my grams last chicken he is a bantam rooster. He hasn't been crowing or sleeping on his roost for about a week his eye's are dilated his comb is turning a dark blue color at the tips and he hadn't been eating or drinking and is having problems standing and is very lethargic. He was being feed scratch, oyster shells, and table scraps. i have him on a medicated chick starter with some electrolyte's but what Else can i do?
this is a video i took of him
He could possibly have Mareks disease, but since he wasn't getting enough protein in his feed from eating scratch and receiving oystershell which he didn't require, he could be suffering from kidney disease, vitamin deficiency, or malnutrition. Treating him with Corid for coccidiosis would be a good start. Check him over for lice and mites, and worm him if that hasn't been done. Here are some links about Mareks:
How old is he? If he is under 6 months old, I would treat for coccidiosis, which would be the most common ailment for young birds. I would not give him any more scratch or calcium, and I think chick starter has more protein and very good for a roo.

You may even want to make a wet mash out of the feed. If he is older , I would think about if there's anything toxic, moldy or bad that he could have eaten. How does his crop feel and what does his poo look like? Is he wormed and does he have any lice or mites?

I think Eggcessive is right, it could be Marek's depending on the flock history showing a new bird, or maybe another chicken that had done the same thing. But check all the other things .
He could possibly have Mareks disease, but since he wasn't getting enough protein in his feed from eating scratch and receiving oystershell which he didn't require, he could be suffering from kidney disease, vitamin deficiency, or malnutrition. Treating him with Corid for coccidiosis would be a good start. Check him over for lice and mites, and worm him if that hasn't been done. Here are some links about Mareks:

yeah i told my grams he didn't need the oyster shell but she didn't listen to me
i'm going to worm him first thing tomarro when i can get to the feed store. does the medicated chick start have corid in it? or do i need to buy some of that too?
How old is he? If he is under 6 months old, I would treat for coccidiosis, which would be the most common ailment for young birds. I would not give him any more scratch or calcium, and I think chick starter has more protein and very good for a roo.

You may even want to make a wet mash out of the feed. If he is older , I would think about if there's anything toxic, moldy or bad that he could have eaten. How does his crop feel and what does his poo look like? Is he wormed and does he have any lice or mites?

I think Eggcessive is right, it could be Marek's depending on the flock history showing a new bird, or maybe another chicken that had done the same thing. But check all the other things .
no he is going to be a year old within the next month. his crop his mushy and his poo while it does have the white cap and brown parts to it, it is mostly grass green. no he isn't wormed as of yet and i didn't see any mites. But that's the thing he was very healthy for the longest time and only started showing symptoms last week. He is a lone bird even when he was put outside and he doesn't have any cage mates so i don't know where he could have gotten it from if it was mareks.
True. He would have to get Marek's from another chicken.

The chick feed does not have to be medicated, it's possibly better if it's not. I don't think it's a concern for a lone roo.
True. He would have to get Marek's from another chicken.

The chick feed does not have to be medicated, it's possibly better if it's not. I don't think it's a concern for a lone roo.

so how would i go about syringe feeding a chicken? he still hasn't touched his food or water. though he was standing up earlier it was only for a few seconds
Try feeding him soft scrambled chopped egg, low salt canned tuna, and dry cat food for protein. I wouldn't throw away the medicated chick starter--just use it. The minute amount of amprollium (or Corid) is has in it won't affect your teating with Corid for cocci. The problem with syringe feeding is that they can aspirate contents into the airway unless you let them swallow after every 1/4 ml, but tube feeding may be something that you might want to try. A piece of aquarium tubing with one end rounded off with a lighter, along with a 35 to 60 ml syringe would be good for tube feeding. You can get the real thing from a vet's office. Many use KayTee baby bird feed to tube feed sick birds. Here is a link with videos:
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