Help now please! Duck malpositioned. Intervene or no?


Jul 8, 2018
Hi! I am only hatching one egg in a homemade incubator. I saw a slight external pip yesterday at 5pm with some bruising around it and upon candling found that the external pip is about half an inch away from the air sac. At 1pm today I noticed the external pip has a little bit of shell sticking out so I guess the duck has made a little bit of progress. The external pip is on the underside of the egg but not touching the paper towel the egg is resting on. I can see the duck moving some when I shine a flashlight on the egg but haven't seen the egg move or heard any duck sounds. Should I intervene and if so when? I read the helpful guide on this website about how to intervene but I wasn't sure when in this case. It is Day 28. Thanks.
Because it didn't get to internally pip, it still has a lot of absorbing to do. Don't start to worry that it's not progressing until it's been 30 to 48 hours from the external pip. The good news is most of the time they can hatch themselves in this position, so you will likely not have to do a thing.
Because it didn't get to internally pip, it still has a lot of absorbing to do. Don't start to worry that it's not progressing until it's been 30 to 48 hours from the external pip. The good news is most of the time they can hatch themselves in this position, so you will likely not have to do a thing.
Thanks so much for your response. I just heard it peeping for the first time. The only concerning thing I just saw is a small (dime sized) very faint round bruise on the opposite side of the egg from where it internally pipped. Is that a concern? Thanks

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