Help!! Newly hatched chick has something stuck to its butt...? Is this bad?


Apr 21, 2021
It is red and stuck to the egg and the butt. What should I do? I am afraid it will pull something out of the chick....


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It's ok! It's normal and it's just leftover fluids from the chicks egg. DON'T pull it off it it still has blood in it, if you pull it off, it might cause the chick to bleed out. Just leave him in the incubator till 1-2 days ( no longer ) , don't open the incubator to keep other chicks from passing away or getting hurt, and leave him in there to stay warm and dry off. It'll just dry out and fall off, it won't hurt him! After everyone hatched, put them in the warm brooder and give them special chick feed and plenty of fresh water! Hope that helps!
Doesn't quite look like yolk sack, but I'd leave it be. Can't really open the incubator now anyway.
@IvysAnimals Here is a picture. It’s a bloody round thing on the butt with a bloody string connected to it and then that white goopy stuff on the end (stuck under the egg shell in the photo). All normal? The other chickens are falling all over it. What if they pull it out or rip it?


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@IvysAnimals Here is a picture. It’s a bloody round thing on the butt with a bloody string connected to it and then that white goopy stuff on the end (stuck under the egg shell in the photo). All normal? The other chickens are falling all over it. What if they pull it out or rip it?
Give him a few to dry off, take him out and put him in the brooder. Wait a little more and check back on him... he might've gotten hurt while incubating. you can stop bleeding by sprinkling corn starch on him and let him dry in the brooder to help seal the wound...It might've been caused if the temp in the incubator was too high...If anything more concerning happens, ask or post more about it so we can help! :thumbsup

@IvysAnimals Here is a picture. It’s a bloody round thing on the butt with a bloody string connected to it and then that white goopy stuff on the end (stuck under the egg shell in the photo). All normal? The other chickens are falling all over it. What if they pull it out or rip it?
I'd put it in the "not uncommon" category. You probably won't be able to tell it was there in an hour.
Give him a few to dry off, take him out and put him in the brooder. Wait a little more and check back on him... he might've gotten hurt while incubating. you can stop bleeding by sprinkling corn starch on him and let him dry in the brooder to help seal the wound...If anything more concerning happens, ask or post more about it so we can help! :thumbsup
Thank you! I am a teacher and leave school at 3:50. Will he be fine in the incubator over night with the other two?
I would keep an eye on him for any possible injuries that might take place....I'd keep in in the brooder under a heated lamp. If there's no other option, he should be fine!

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