Help, My Sun Conure HATES ME!!!

It could be a one person bird, but sometimes birds try to intimidate people. After they do this we act timid around them expecially when we try to pet them. They totally know it and show more intimidation tactics. We have had parakeets, cockatiels, african grey, and blue and gold macaw. They all did it. And some just hurt worse than others.

I am having the exact same issue with my conure, Sunny, even down to the previous female owner. I know it's been a few years since you posted; but if you get my reply, can you please let me know if you figured something out. My husband is not thrilled to be this bird's best friend (and I am not thrilled getting attacked every time I try to bond . . . )
So today I dropped my husband off at school, then came home and went to get Karmen out of her cage, and she came to me, sat on my shoulder and did my errands with me all afternoon, she even gave me a kiss
, then we went to pick up my husband and she didn't want to leave me to go to him, but eventually did(Never acted aggressive towards DH, just wouldn't step up onto his finger) So I thought, maybe we had become friends I was sooo excited!!!.... I was wrong, once with him she let me pet her once then would bite at me every time I came close, She finaly cought me and bit me so hard that she cracked my fingernail, so I figured she was a one person bird, she would only let the person holding her pet her, but then some guy at the super market pet her with no issues.... I was so Peeved!!!
So what is it, does she only like men, but will settle for me if none are around, that aint gonna work for me.... My Husband wants to sell her, he says that if we are going to have a pet for the next 30 years, it better get along with both of us, and hopefully our families, What do I do, we have both wanted this type of bird for a very long time.....
I have a sun conure. He has never been nice to me. He already has killed two love birds of mine. I finally am to the point of getting rid of it even though he is beautiful~~~! I feel sad to do this, but I must. I have tried everything. Once, my computer tech man came to set up my PC and he took to him and sat on his shoulder the whole time he as here~~~!!!! Why!!!!! I feed him and take care of him, but these types of birds are somewhat Mean~~! So, with tears in my eyes, I am getting rid of him and taking in a pair of Love Birds instead. They prefer men over women!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
izzi in Dallas

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