Help me sexe these baby Lionheads!

I still only see two white females.
Some of the pics are not super clear, but it looks like the rest are boys.
Haha thank you and sorry the pics aren’t super clear. They are so squirmy now. Holding them in one hand and taking a picture with the other is almost impossible. :lau

I also had the same opinion other than I thought only 1 female. Which 2? I was thinking it was just the White and Black spotted. But maybe if I know which other one you were thinking I could keep more of an eye out for it.

They are still only 17 days old today, so I’ll definitely check back again weekly as they grow and change. Maybe I’ll try to get my husband to help me next time with the pictures!
Haha thank you and sorry the pics aren’t super clear. They are so squirmy now. Holding them in one hand and taking a picture with the other is almost impossible. :lau

I also had the same opinion other than I thought only 1 female. Which 2? I was thinking it was just the White and Black spotted. But maybe if I know which other one you were thinking I could keep more of an eye out for it.

They are still only 17 days old today, so I’ll definitely check back again weekly as they grow and change. Maybe I’ll try to get my husband to help me next time with the pictures!
When I zoom in it looks more taco shaped, but I really can't tell if there's a separation between the anus. It's one of those funny pics but I kinda thought I saw the shape there.
Here are some updated pics from today. Any differences in opinion from before? It’s so hard to get pictures they are so wriggly and mobile now haha! :lol:
Two of them look pretty clearly male to me:
#3 "Dark grey with some lighter grey"
#4 "White with black around eyes and stripe on back"

I'm not sure either way about the other four in the current photos.

Yes, they are really wiggly at that age!

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