Help! Lethargic chick with white diarrhea


Jul 16, 2020
Please help! I have a 2.5 week old salmon faverolle chick. Two days ago I noticed she seemed a little tired so I put Corid in the water. Today she is very lethargic, not eating, and is having white diarrhea. I gave her a little molasses by her beak and started giving her drips of the Corid water. Is there anything else I can do?
Molasses can shoot right thru them.
What does your brooder look please?
Pics of poop would help too.

What all are you feeding?
Any other chicks having trouble?
I've been feeding unmedicated chick starter mixed with the corid-infused water to make a mash. I have a dwarf little chick that still isn't big enough to get the full pellets :).

I will post a picture shortly. We are giving her drops of the corid water by her beak every 30 minutes or so. I just checked and she got up to eat a few little mash crumbles and bits of egg, but she is still just standing around and not moving much.
I just took some pictures.

When I was taking them, I gave the sickly one some food from my hand and she gobbled it up and then went to go eat the mash with the others. She still is fluffed up and pale combed, but hopefully maybe the molasses drop an hour ago gave her enough energy to walk around and the dropper-fed medicine water helped her start to feel a bit better.

Here are pictures of her droppings on woodchips and dried milky white on a paper towel. There are mashed up eggs on these things too.
IMG_5483.JPG IMG_5482.JPG

Here is the brooder. She is the yellow one off away from the others.

Thank you so much for your help! I so appreciate it!
Thank you! I dropper fed her corid water through the night and she seems better this morning. I'm keeping an eye on her, but she is eating and drinking--as well as hanging out with the others now and having normal bowel movements. She is normally one of my flightiest birds, but yesterday she would let me pick her up and just lay there like a potato poor thing. Today though when she saw the spoon I use to clean out the brooder, she made her funny little salmon faverolles squack and ran away.

She doesn't seem to whimper when defecating. I'll look up salmonella infection symptoms and keep an eye out for those. I'm thinking that maybe my mistake was that three days ago I gave the chicks corid in the water, but I mistakenly used tap water to make the chick food mash. So maybe she wasn't getting enough corid and just getting hydration through the food with tap water. Maybe now that the mash has corid water she's responding better.

Thank you all so much! I so appreciate it.
I recommend to not feed any other than their usual pellets while administering corid. Otherwise you will jeopardize the treatment. Hopefully she will recover soon with the right dose of corid.

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