help from Duck people sick duckling

Sugar Sand Farm

12 Years
Apr 24, 2007
North Florida
Hi I know this is a chicken emergency forum but I need help with my 2 week old duckling I noticed this morning he is croughing or trying to He keeps opening his bill and making a strange coughing sound. I haven't taken him out of the brooder yet as I don't want to tramatize him but I don't know what to do. I only have sulmet,vitamins and FishFlex on hand as antibotiics. Whast can I give him ? He hasn't gotten cold as I have a heat lamp in the brooker and its reading 82-85 degrees. He is inside in a very warm room Any response would be appreciated.
I agree. Sounds like something is caught in his throat and he is trying to dislodge it by coughing. Can you hold him and look and see if you see anything? Offer plenty of water, and he may cough it up or swallow it down. Keep a good watch that he is able to breath alright and doesnt get worse. If he worsens, take him in to the vet.
Don't use any meds until you figure out was is wrong. Like the others said, he most likely eat a piece of bedding, with plenty of water he should be just fine.

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