Just wait it out. If you see movement then hopefully they will hatch. Maybe you were off on you counting?

Always possible. I’m still new to this. I read that you start counting when the female becomes broody and sits on her eggs and only gets off them once or twice a day. Are there other signs I could look out for to get a more accurate time?
You shouldn't be that far off, but if your seeing movement I'd say something caused a delay but as long as they are still alive that is what counts. Next time you candle listen to the eggs too. Might just hear some peeping. Usually once ready to hatch they take up so much of the egg all you can see is the air cell and black. Can you tell where the air cell is was it dipped down at all?
Is it possible that you have a staggered clutch? Is the nest accessible to your other ducks? Perhaps she has collected more eggs since originally setting. Maybe the eggs currently developing are newer eggs. Is there any way you could get candling pics and post them? That might help us to determine what day they are on.
Update on the eggs. They hatched today. 12 of the 16 that were left over. Almost all of them look happy and healthy. However one of them seems deformed. The chest is abnormally larger then the other ducklings, it’s almost always on its back and the neck is constantly crooked.

Thank you all for your advice. It helped to ease the stress and tension.
Congratulations!! Please get some pics when you can! Very sorry about the little one we all know there’s always that possibility something may go wrong and we may lose one, but there is always that hope it still may get okay. Keep up updated please.

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