Help Diagnosing Sick Young Rooster: Doesn't walk, laboured breathing, liquid drips from beak...


Oct 13, 2023


I'll try to include every bit of information that I can think of. Any suggestion is appreciated...

We are chicken newbies, very little experience; live in the tropics, with a lot of heat and humidity this rainy summer season. Our chickens mostly free range.

Around 4-5 months ago a few had contracted what I suspect was dry pox (brown/black scabs that got better when disinfected with saline water and lots of honey), while others exhibited symptoms similar to coryza or a chicken cold (swollen pus-filled eyes, sneezing, 25-30% mortality. We treated with terramycin).

Yet Snickerdoodles isn't behaving or showing exactly those symptoms. He is a young (less than a year) rooster.

Yesterday evening when it was coop-time he didn't come running up to me like always. I thought maybe he was simply too entertained dust bathing, so I carried him. Upon feeding time this morning, however, my partner noticed he wasn't his active self.

What I've observed thus far are the following:

*He barely walks, mostly lies down with neck outstretched.
*Heavy, laboured breathing.
*When I massage his crop, a dense white-ish liquid drips down (as shown in picture).

No rattling noise, his breath doesn't stink, I can't see anything inside his beak. I saw some black specks on his comb but it could just be dried up pecking wounds.

I clean the feeders and waterers daily, add apple cider vinegar to the water, well balanced diet with bi-weekly treats (no high calcium).

We are still in the process of moving them to a dryer place. That would be the highest potential factor for disease. Treating him with dewormer, just in case.

Thanks in advanced...


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Could he have eaten anything rotten, moldy or rancid?
What's his poop like? Photos are always welcome.

Work on hydration and offer wet soupy feed. Deworming is a good idea, what are you using?

Check the crop to see if it's emptying overnight, if it's not, then you'll want to address that symptom. This article can be helpful -

Thank you very much!

Yes, that's quite a probability. We have a lot of fruit trees like avocados that fall and break up daily. We try to pick most of them up.

Attached a photo of his poopie.
I also added vitamins to his water. He's drinking plenty.

Ivermectin, but if there's a better one I can try it. Sometimes, if I notice it's rainy or cold I cut up garlic and add it to their feed. More like prevention, I guess...

In a moment of desperation, I administered amoxill last night and, to be honest, Snickerdoodles is looking and acting much, much better. He isn't breathing heavily anymore, he's eating normally and drinking plenty of water. Still not walking too much, though...


  • IMG_20231014_085645_740.jpg
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Thank you very much!

Yes, that's quite a probability. We have a lot of fruit trees like avocados that fall and break up daily. We try to pick most of them up.

Attached a photo of his poopie.
I also added vitamins to his water. He's drinking plenty.

Ivermectin, but if there's a better one I can try it. Sometimes, if I notice it's rainy or cold I cut up garlic and add it to their feed. More like prevention, I guess...

In a moment of desperation, I administered amoxill last night and, to be honest, Snickerdoodles is looking and acting much, much better. He isn't breathing heavily anymore, he's eating normally and drinking plenty of water. Still not walking too much, though...
I'd see if the amoxill helps since you are seeing some improvement.

Hopefully he'll get better.

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