Help... Chickens are not laying.

I have some thoughts, but we are not getting any eggs.
We have both old and new chickens.
Depending on where you are in the states. This long cold and shortened day time hours in NE a lot of birds aren't going to lay as consistently. Also in the past I've had some flocks molt during mid winter so that also is another negative towards any of the hens laying.

Another thing is external factors: Predators, New Flock Mates (Roosters being too "aggressive" counts too), Change in Feed, Temperature (Outside), Daylight Hours all can affect how/if your hens lay due to the stress etc.

Hope this helps!
Depending on where you are in the states. This long cold and shortened day time hours in NE a lot of birds aren't going to lay as consistently. Also in the past I've had some flocks molt during mid winter so that also is another negative towards any of the hens laying.

Another thing is external factors: Predators, New Flock Mates (Roosters being too "aggressive" counts too), Change in Feed, Temperature (Outside), Daylight Hours all can affect how/if your hens lay due to the stress etc.

Hope this helps!
They are not molting, we have a strong fence around our property, and we haven't any roosters or introduced any new chickens/chicks.
Thats why I'm stuck.
Could they be hiding their eggs? Do they have a designated nest space that you have seen them lay in?
My brother goes out and deeply checks the nestbox, easy access, and every week we clean out the nestbox, no eggs found. They are not eating eggs; no remains are found. They had that problem a month or two ago, but we took care of that with mustard eggs.
Light is now increasing, so if they took a break last fall/early winter, their bodies are getting the message to begin the laying cycle again. If their combs and wattles are pale, they are not ready to lay. If they are getting redder from a pale color , then they are getting ready to lay. If their combs and wattles are red, they may be laying. There is a way to examine their pelvis area to determine if they are laying, but I’m not sure the specifics. But, I’d only do that if they are reddened up (combs and wattles), and have been for awhile. They may have a secret nest … even in a run.

We had a cage in the run. We put shade cloth on it, and it draped to the ground on one side…not a lot extra, and it seemed flat against the cage. guessed it, one chicken laid 7 eggs, and sat on them for about 2 weeks before we discovered them. We didn’t know how old the eggs were, so let her sit (it was warm out), and 5 days after discovering this secret nest we had 5 chicks hatch.

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