HELP!! Chick acting irregular! Is it sick??


Jan 5, 2023
SO we just received 12 br chicks from 4h, and one is acting a little odd.
First of all, it is a lot smaller than the others, secondly, is is a lot less active. It eats and drinks perfectly, is quite plump, though not too fat. Is does run and forage sometimes, but mostly stands there with its head tucked in its chest, shivering and sleeping. I admit it is a little chilly, but none of the others shiver.
Lastly, it loves me. Unless it is sleeping near its friends, it cries until i hold it, and when it is tucked in my shirt or neck, it makes those happy cries they normally make under the mother. I don't have a problem with that, i am just concerned about how active it is, and how social it is, or i should say isn't.

If anyone knows anything it would be much appreciated.
The cick is around three weeks, they have a insulated coop, they are allowed outside sometimes, we just started turning off the heat lamp, since when it was on all, including the chick, would pant. It got too hot.
Alright, now i am really worried, because today she was acting all limp and tired, now she is a bit better, drinking and she ate a little bit, but she mostly sleeps, though now she cries when i dont hold her. I am trying not to hold her too much so she becomes more independent. Do you know what could be wrong?
We separated her, also, and er poops are a milky white creamish color.... tiny brown bits that could be blood, but are really too dark to tell.
Can you post photos of her and her poop?

If you think you see blood in the poop, then start all the chicks on Corid.
Liquid Corid dose is 2tsp or Powdered Corid Dose is 1 1/2tsp per gallon of water given for 5-7 days as the only source of drinking water.
Do not add any extra vitamins/electrolytes that contain B1(Thiamine) to food or water during the course of treatment.

For the little one that is struggling, I'd direct oral dose her with undiluted Liquid Corid at at rate of 0.10ml per pound of weight twice a day for 3 days.
This is in addition to her drinking the mixed Corid water.
If she's not drinking well, then syringe or tube the water into her. Encourage her to eat.

At 3wks if it's fairly warm outside, sometimes chicks do not need supplemental heat, but since she's not doing well, I'd provide some heat.

You mention an insulated coop and needing to turn off the heat lamp because it was getting too hot inside? How large is the coop and does it have plenty of ventilation?
Where are you located in the world?
We did start her on corid... and she got a lot better, was walking around, then we went to bed, woke up and she was dead. We have no clue what killed her, and the funny thing is, this has happened to several chicks, not from the same litter or breeder, or even type of poultry.

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