Chick acting off


Aug 15, 2022
I have a silkie chick that Is acting off. This has started in the last few days. She tries her very best to keep up with the rest of the chicks and she is moving around to eat and drink, scratching in the bedding etc. But I've noticed she cannot fully lift up her neck. I'm not sure if I'm dealing with wry neck or not. But she can't lift her head up normally on her own. I can move her head around and such myself and she does not distress. The main thing is when she tries to sleep acts very strange. She acts as if she is cleaning her underside but then stumbles backwards until she runs into something then plops and sleeps with her head tucked under her. She has a very hard time keeping her balance it seems, but she will extend her wings and flap them as well. She was vaccinated for merecks disease. Any thoughts? I have a video but don't know how to upload that.


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I would try to get the chick taking some chick vitamins such as Poultry Cell or NutriDrench a couple of drops orally daily for a few days. Then, try offering some extra time feeding, and offering moistened feed from a small saucer. Vitamin E might help. The vitamins above have that, but if it persists, more E might be beneficial.
I am happy to report the vitamin therapy is working. By day 2 we had no more neurological signs. Going into day and still showing progress. I used 1 cc nutridrench and .25 cc rooster booster (has selenium in it) mixes with about 2cc if water, twice a day, and added prebiotic and nutridrench to drinking water.


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