Hello my Duck Friends!


Yes, your Polish is a cockerel...
May 9, 2020
Central Oregon
After nearly 2 decades of poultry raising, I finally bit the bullet and ordered some ducklings. The idea of duck eggs is just too alluring.

Although I've researched everything under the sun, I do have one question for you quackers....

I've always kept a male - roosters, toms, cocks, etc - because aside from the obvious benefit of being able to hatch your own flock, it changes the dynamic of the flock to a more natural one. My hens are always far more productive when there is a good, well behaved rooster around.

Have you all ever noticed anything similar in ducks? I have 10 hens ordered (hatchery choice layers) and am considering adding a drake.

If so, are there breeds of drake you would recommend?

Thank you!
Welcome to keeping ducks. They are a joy. I have always had a drake with my flock started with Muscovy and then added Runners and Buffs and Cayuga. Drakes are very hormonal [randy] They will mate continually it seems I know they don't but it sure looks like it. With 10 females coming you would be safe to have a drake the drakes will take care of their girls watch over them mate them when it comes to ducklings though drakes aren't like roosters they can even kill ducklings but of course there are always ways to keep things like that from happening I just keep my females and ducklings safe behind fencing till they are 3 weeks old and that gives everyone a chance to get used to each other and the ducklings can better stay away from a drake. I have never had any drake go after ducklings but I have read of it on here. The last ducklings we had were shipped and neither drake was interested in them I kept them with the flock in a Xpen during the day and over night they slept in a crate inside the coop for a week they were 7 weeks old when I let them be out with the flock and everything went well. Some have even said drakes will try and mate young ducklings before they are old enough to be mated Mine never have but I keep a lot of females so these guys are pretty busy. I've only had Muscovy and Runner drakes. It's recommended to have at least 4 females and up for each drake this keeps the females from being overmated.
the calmest nicest drake i have had during breeding season and through out. is a jumbo pekin. the meanest is my black Swedish. there only mean to each other i have never bit or attacked. and every duck is different so in my opinion get whatever breed you want they all have there own personality...
Please adopt a drake [or possibly 2 as you have enough females] as there are drakes needing rehoming all over the USA. Mallard derived drakes certainly look after their girls, and they are gentlemen when it comes to eating -- they stand back and let their girls eat first while they keep guard. No drake is a gentleman when it comes to duck sex, but you won't have serious problems with one or two drakes and 10 females!

As for muscovy drakes, maybe not gentlemen!! I only see muscovy drakes with females in ferral colonies around my town. The drakes are prone to sitting down and waiting while the girls go round begging for food -- from MacDonalds and from homes in the neighborhood. The Muscovy drakes just get up and waddle over tails all wagging once food has been produced. Muscovy girls are very cute so I understand why the big boys sit and wait!!
the calmest nicest drake i have had during breeding season and through out. is a jumbo pekin. the meanest is my black Swedish. there only mean to each other i have never bit or attacked. and every duck is different so in my opinion get whatever breed you want they all have there own personality...
Added a Jumbo Pekin drake to my order today 😃 if he is mean, I'll be requesting your address for a drop off 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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