He won't stop crowing!!! He just keeps crowing and crowing and.......

Thanks cthrash1

chickenpiedpiper, forgiven. I believe we still disagree. Let's just agree to disagree.
right back atcha Okie!!!!

Honestly, what did animals do out in the cold before we came along and built them shelters? It's amazing that the species even survived. And I thought that the feathers and down would keep them warm...

...silly me....
I have an old rooster that crows the second he walks out of the barn and crows all day long. He does crow in the barn at night but no one can hear him more than 50 yards away do to the closed doors and window. When we were on vacation and had a "bird sitter" drop by to feed and water him - he was never let him out for 10 days – stayed cooped up in his indoor winter run (kind of a feisty old bird and not nice to sitters) - anyway - turns out the neighbors were worried about Chief because they did not hear him and thought something might of happened to the old boy. They all know how much we love having him around. We had several messages when we returned with concerned neighbors and these people live anywhere from ¼ mile to 1 mile away so that should give you a sense of how loud he truly is!
Maybe yours is just a happy bird and wants to tell the world he is the luckiest rooster in the world, having a great place to live and wonderful people for him to watch over and take care of? He sounds good to me! Wishing you all the best!
Capt. Crusoe,

He's a neat little roo. I just have to school him on the ways of not attacking me, and see if my neighbors are ready to kidnap him and put him in a pot.

That is awesome how cool your neighbors are about him. I can hope that mine can tolerate him.

btw he needs a name...any suggestions?

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