
In the Brooder
Aug 29, 2019
Central Texas
Our first incubation, we had 3 out of 8 fertilized eggs successfully hatch. I know we messed up in a few areas. We opened it too many times and didn't lay them on their side on day 18.
Question 1: Do y'all have any tips that aren't well known? Something you discovered that has worked good for you? Huge no nos or something helpful?
Question 2: Is it typical to buy 15 eggs and only 8 be fertilized? They were kinda expensive. Just want to make sure I wasn't taken advantage of.
Question 3: Anyone know of any Ohiki or Onagadori breeders? Japanese Long tails standard & bantam?
Elevation affects what needs to be done in the incubator, for me the trick was use an egg turner or manually turning them laying down they get better circulation of the air as have a fan in mine.
I am not sure on #2 as I hatch from my flock, I have noticed though that my usually 100% fertilization rate was crap on last hatch 5 outta 12 were fertile, but 3 days after I started incubating them the flock started molt including the rooster,I would suggest you talk to who shipped you the eggs.

@Ridgerunner got me through figuring out most of my incubator issues
and AmmyLynn got me figured out on humidity issues as I am over 5k Elevation
The monthly Hatchalongs are fun way to do things and lots of good support during a hatch
Our first incubation, we had 3 out of 8 fertilized eggs successfully hatch. I know we messed up in a few areas. We opened it too many times and didn't lay them on their side on day 18.
Question 1: Do y'all have any tips that aren't well known? Something you discovered that has worked good for you? Huge no nos or something helpful?
Question 2: Is it typical to buy 15 eggs and only 8 be fertilized? They were kinda expensive. Just want to make sure I wasn't taken advantage of.
Question 3: Anyone know of any Ohiki or Onagadori breeders? Japanese Long tails standard & bantam?
I bought 15 eggs and 3 hatched. Luckily one male and two females hatched. Here is a site that may also help.
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If you can hatch in a Little Giant incubator, you can hatch in most anything.
2012-03-02 05.42.49.jpg
it bothers me a bit to see people bash LG and Hova styro bators.
I had eight of them set up all at once. I hatched quail, guineas, chickens, ducks and turkeys.
there are tricks to making them work.
I have posted these instructions many times and have had people just argue with me,
So I do not bother any more.
most failures are operator's fault.
stay away from purchasing eggs and having them shipped usps or any other method.
No no no and yes.As our old time members Sourland kwhites and drumstick diva to name a few would tell you.there are only three ways to tell if a egg is firtile .1 it developes and shows up in a candler 2 if you are physic with a 100% reading ability. 3 break it open in which case it ain't nomore even if it was to begin with.Welcome to the drive you insane world of incubation .LOL. It really is a trial and error education. Check and recheck every thing. Precandle fresh eggs have little to no air cell.Would advise finding local eggs. HATCH ON

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