Has anyone used a plastic container as a brooder?

That's all i use! I just cut out a wite top for it, for when they start to wanna fly out. I have never had a problem and they clean up real nice
We used a rubbermaid with our first batch of chicks and are using one now!! It works great! You do have to find a safe place to put the lamp, ours melted the rubbermaid a little the first time, lesson learned we just moved the lamp. After about 5 weeks the chicks were getting to big and had to be moved out, but it was time for them to go outside anyway! Highly recommend it!
We've used plastic containers for our chicks with wire screen for top. No problems. I wonder why you were told it isn't a good idea? Were they selling commercial ones? That's an expensive way to go for the few weeks they need a brooder.
We go to dollar general and get the biggest plastic steriilte tub they have. I hang the heat lamps from a secured hook from the ceiling or wall.

This is ALL I have used for the chicks and if the tubs get really nasty we just throw them.
I think they are about 10 bucks and they usually last through at LEAST a few batches of chicks.

At one point we had 4 seperate tubs going for the different types of chicks all at the same time.

We would put two close together and use ONE heat lamp for the both.

I used "bee hive slats" for covers for the tubs. They work great.

One other thing to consider is you can take the whole thing out to the compost pile and dump it and then wash it out with the hose. Simple, fast and easy.

Enjoy your babies.

Newbie here.

I am looking to assemble a brooder for 6 chicks and was considering going with the plastic storage tub design as well. My only question is: how large would the tub need to be for just 6 chicks? They would only need to be in it until they are ready to go outside (4-5 weeks, right?)... so how big would 4-5 week old chicks be (I know that can vary a lot... we were thinking of getting barred rocks, buff orps, and/or delawares)? This is my first go at chicken raising (just looking for a small backyard laying flock), so I am totally in the dark.

I have a tub that is about 4 square feet, do you think it would be large enough to keep six chicks in for 4 weeks?

Also, since the brooder would be smaller, what wattage of bulb would I need? 250 seems excessive, but again, I'm clueless!

Thanks for any advice!

Did they tell you why it wont be a good idea or did they try and sell you something they had. Ive always used they I have 2 96 quart ones and one 105 quart one. Take lid and cut around rim and duct tape wire mesh to it, they are easy to clean and as everyone has said keeps heat well without drafts
They wanted to sell me something that they had. Told me how it would melt with a light on it. I knew they were probably not serious but I had to ask. I dont see how a 100 watt bulb can melt a storage bin. It gets over 100 degrees in our attic where we store bins of clothes and so far no flaming bins
Yeah I figured they wanted to sell you something. No need use the totes that work fine I have 11 in a 105 quart tote and will be moving 5 out into another tommoroe one of my bulbs burned out so I need to get another. They dont need that much room at first. They will be fine. Have fun.
I would buy the largest Plastic tote I could find - and if it seems too big for the new chicks at first just make a simple divider with cardboard or something to cut the space in half - they grow so fast they'll need the extra space before you know it. You'll also want to rig something up so you can adjust the height of the lamp above the brooder to help regulate the temperature. I've only ever used a 100 watt bulb, but they were in a heated garage at the time. And if your bulb is hot enough and close enough to melt the plastic tote, you've got bigger problems - like overheated chicks! IMHO a plastic tote is the best way to go!

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