Hard White Thing in Egg (photos may be disturbing)


10 Years
Sep 26, 2009
Costa Rica
Can anyone identify the thing I found in one of my girl's eggs this morning. I've searched the internet and NONE of the pictures match what I've found. There was no blood at all so it's not a developing chick or meat spot and, while I haven't touched it with my own bare hand, when I poke it with utensils it feels very hard. Almost like gristle or maybe cartilage. I don't remember seeing the chalaza when the egg broke but that might have been because I was so shocked at the large white thing. I don't know if you can see it in the photos but but one side is rounded (1st photo) and the other side is flattish (2nd photo).

I have six girls (no fellas) and they seem to be laying only two to three eggs between them for the last two months or so. I dosed them with Diatomaceous Earth for a good four weeks last month but that has been the only change in diet. The girls free range in the backyard all day long. I tried to be brave and just fish it out and continue cooking but my gag-reflex would not allow it, lol.

Thanks for any feedback!

Sometimes, rarely but not unheard of, an egg is laid inside another egg. It could be a messed up attempt at a second egg when the body's timing is not yet putting enough distance between eggs when trying to manufacture two per day. That'd be my best bet.
Thanks for the reply but it looks like I stumbled across the answer on another website. Apparently it's called a "Lash Egg". I don't know how anyone could ever guess that name for that condition. Lash sounds nothing like the condition. Maybe "yucky" or "disgusting" or "scary" or "nasty thing" but certainly not lash.

I found the information on the Adelaide Chicken Sitting Service website. Apparently lash eggs are more common with Isa Browns, which I have.

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