Hard boiled eggs are hard to peel .

My sucess to peeling eggs easier is to take them from boiling stage to iceing them...I usually just pour the boiled water down both sides of my drain after cleaning the sink...it sure does kill the stinkies that sit in your drain...and add ice then some more water. Then when they have had sufficient time to cool down I crack them real good placing them back in the ice water until all the eggs have been cracked the I take off just a little of the shell carefully grabbing the chilled membrane just between the shell and the egg white. I haven't had any trouble with fresh or old eggs (although with older eggs, less chill time is required....) Try it and comment back and let me know your experience.
Ever since a tip from a fellow BYCer, I steam my eggs to hard cook them. They all have peeled like a dream! I just steam them for 15 minutes and they come out perfect every time. I just made some earlier this weekend. Good luck!
no one has mentioned using vinagar in the boiling water??
LOL I tried boiling my eggs forever and just gave up because I wlaked away with yolk chunks and no white! So I found though if you use 2 TSPS of vinagar in your process they peel easy peasy--I did it and Ill never look back!
I hAVE heard that if you leave your eggs on the counter overnight before you hard boil them, they will peel easier. I would not know since we have no eggs yet-well, my first layer already went broody after 3 weeks of laying
I have Rhode Island Reds. I have had abominable results in peeling the hard boiled eggs. Today I experimented with 3 and 4 week old eggs, all refrigerated at "harvest". The oldest had little to offer in peeling, will benefit the dogs. I also added flotation for these older eggs, rejecting those which floated in fresh water and those which floated when two tablespoons of salt were added. The second batch were nearly perfect to peel, however one hen lays an ugly shell which fails to peel under any conditions. I am going to try the room temp eggs in rolling boil for the intermediate collection (these hens lay more eggs than we can consume). I have changed my feed mix from 50/50 cracked corn/layer mash to 2/3 layer to 1/3 corn to improve shell. Those eggs were not in the latest test.
I have a question about eggs boiled for 10-15 minutes. Do you get the greenish color around to outside of the yoke or are the yokes completely yellow?
Boy some of you sure boil the crap out of your eggs!
8 minutes in salt should do it unless you live high above sea level with an equal amount of time in ice water. We've found that washing eggs and storing them in the refrig for a week or so makes them easier to peel.
I hard boiled some really fresh eggs last week and I couldn't believe how easy they peeled I have had store bought eggs that were awful to peel, all I did is put alot of pickling salt in the water brought them to a boil turned them down and simmered them for 12 min. put running cold water on them to cool them down and my gosh I was done peeling them in just a few min. The only way I am doing it from now on!

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